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10 Techniques

1st the individual members must feel the need to be different, an inner desire to change the way we do things.

2nd one must create a deep understanding for the client, market, technology and the constraints of the problem. Adapt all these preceptions into one focused soultion.

3rd Observe in motion, go out into the field to see the application of products. Montior the environment and uses. View real life situations.

4th Orchestrating the right brainstorm should be structured while allowing for the free flowing of ideas.

5th Visualization of how it would be used and all possible situations that could happen. To plan for all possibilities allows

for a greater insight during creation.

tom kelly's

6th Prototyping is the most efficient way to discover what works and what needs to be revisualized. Creating a prototype allows to see how the end user would enteract with it and where they could improve on from the orginial design.

7th Pitch Presentation in stages. This allows for open communication through all channels that are involved. With the constant checkins, projects are able to stay focused, in budget, redirected and the awareness ia able to bring out new ideas and suggestions from different departments.

8th Greenhouse Effect, is the environment that generates these earthshaking ideas. The team's creativity must be harnessed in a specific way to receive maximum potential. Being able to feel comfortable expressing oneself is the manifestation of genius.