The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | March 2024
Nearly every weekday the Association ’ s State Office send out to our Active and Retired members the “ Daily e-News Clips ” via our email system . There is a good chance that if you are reading this , you regularly check out those daily news clips . Our State Office has the capability to track the number of “ opens ” of the various emails and alerts that the Association sends out , and the “ Daily e-news Clips ” consistently ranks as the most read by our members . This is good news ( no pun intended ) - it is vital that Police Chiefs stay on top of current issues and what is happening in the policing industry , both here in New Jersey and in the wider world .
Make no mistake , we operate in a constantly changing and competitive environment . Unless you are able to keep up with the latest news , you are liable to miss out on essential information that just might be invaluable to you in a variety of ways . You never know when an issue that is current somewhere else might just pop up in your jurisdiction . Likewise , it is always in your best interests not to be taken by surprise by any event or trend that impacts your role as Chief and / or as a police leader .
The articles that are linked in the “ Daily e-News Clips ” can touch on anything from important legislation , stories of selfless heroic acts by our police officers , achievements by our members or their departments , national or international news impacting the policing profession , just about anything that might be of interest and useful to our members .
As leadership consultant Alan Feirer puts it , if you want to be at the top of your profession , “ Stay well-read , and keep thinking , and talking , and networking , and make up your own mind .” Keeping up with the relevant news is a part of this common-sense approach . As Chiefs , we may not have the time to read each of the daily newspapers that cover our state . Our Association does that for us , and I urge you all to take a few minutes out of your day to keep up to date by way of the NJSACOP “ Daily e-News Clips .” I also encourage you to send a link to office @ njsacop . org if you have a story in the media about your department .
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