The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 9 | Page 6



The “ Year ” in Review
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | June 2023
Each of us live in multiple “ years .” There is the traditional calendar year , the academic year , a fiscal year , even our own personal year commencing annually on our birthday . Now that the month of June has arrived , we have come to the end of our NJSACOP programming year . And what a year it has been . To say that it has been a challenging year would be to commit a serious understatement . Great credit goes to our association leadership , and in particular our President Tom Dellane , for guiding the organization and our membership through difficult times , both within our state and on the national level . Everyone reading this is well aware of both the new as well as the lingering issues that confront law enforcement leaders , and it has been a privilege to work beside Tom and our entire association leadership team throughout this past year .
Difficult as the environment may be , it was still an outstanding year for the association . Our programming year got off to a great start in June with the 110 th Annual NJSACOP Training Conference & Police-Security Expo . Detroit Chief James Craig and Special Forces vet Josh Johnson provided excellent presentations , while the Installation Banquet was highlighted by the keynote remarks of US Secret Service Director Jim Murray . The Conference as a whole was both informative and enjoyable .
In July we conducted another session of our Senior Leaders Course , this time in collaboration with our great partners , Police Scotland and the Scottish Police College . As usual , Tullallian Castle was an amazing space in which to base this program , which featured in-class and off-site inputs and learning .
In September we resumed our usual schedule of Monthly State Police Chiefs Briefings . I believe the agendas throughout the programming year were filled with important information ; I know that attendance was standing room only . September was also the start of the 2022 – 2023 online Speaker Series , which were presented the second Monday of each month through June .
That month also featured the annual session of the NJSACOP Contemporary Issues in Police Administration course , as well as one of our widely renown staff ride programs , the Antietam Leadership Experience . It was a truly busy month ; our Command & Leadership Alumni Association conducted a special program , Leadership Lessons from the Founders in September .
October featured our Foundation for Executive Leadership course and the NJSACOP Command & Leadership Graduation Ceremony capping off the Spring Session of the NJSACOP Command & Leadership Academy .
December kicked off with our ( somewhat confusingly named ) Mid-Year 1-Day Conference . The calendar year ended with the 2022 NJSACOP Advanced Professional Police Practices program in London . Once again we were extremely fortunate to have the great cooperation of the London Metropolitan Police and Scotland Yard , the City of London Police , the National Police Coordination Centre , and the London-based US federal law enforcement attachés .
In January the association ’ s online 2023 Police Chiefs In-Service Series got underway , running most Fridays until May . In February we hosted the NJSACOP Command & Leadership Graduation Ceremony for the Fall 2022 session of the Academy . March brought the annual New Police Chiefs Orientation course .
The association presented the latest session of our Normandy / D-Day Leadership Experience in April , and in May we presented the 21 st Session of the NJSACOP Police Executive Institute , as well as the Spring 2023 NJSACOP Command & Leadership Graduation Ceremony .
That is just a brief synopsis of our busy calendar . Throughout the year we conducted multiple sessions of our Front-Line Supervision , Budgeting & Financial Administration , Open Public Records & Background Investigation , and Public Information Officer programs .
And that is just a listing of the offerings from our Professional Development Division . On a daily basis our Professional Services Division was equally busy , providing our members and stakeholders with e-News Clips , the Friday Brief and the Active Chiefs Monday Update , the New Jersey Police Chief Magazine , government relations and public relations services , as well as my personal favorite new addition to our public affairs portfolio , the ChiefTalk Podcast .
This was just a brief walk through our busy year . Thanks to all of our members , colleagues , supporters , friends , and stakeholders for your support throughout the year ( however you define that term ….). We will continue to work as hard as we can to merit that great support .