The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | June 2023
Reflections on Police Week 2023 ; Cop2Cop Honored & Inspired
By Cherie Castellano , CSW , LPC , AAETS
For the first time in 24 years at Cop2Cop we were able to put together a team to attend Police Week 2023 to offer support , witness heroism , and reflect on the heroic officers lost in the ultimate sacrifice . We never name anything or anyone we help with confidentiality at Cop2Cop as our main focus , but it is fair to say we are ALWAYS behind the scenes , supporting family members and officers in many tragic moments so we were familiar with many of our New Jersey Officer ’ s names on the wall and faces in the Unity Tour . Alongside my Cop2Cop team and my husband , also law enforcement , I was overwhelmed by the experience so I asked my team to share reflections on our special time together .
Judith Shoudy , a retired officer and Cop2Cop Peer Support Counselor shared , “ I have visited the wall at the Law Enforcement Officers Memorial many times since it was built years ago . Sadly , the names added each year reflect the loss of an officer who chose his / her profession to help others . Far too many names have been added since the memorial was first built . I ’ ve seen blank spaces become filled with names . I ’ ve seen wall additions added to make room for more names of those we lost . I ’ ve seen distraught families , and officers who were friends and coworkers on the wall who I knew well . Even after all the years that have passed , it is still difficult to see their names carved in the granite . They gave the ultimate sacrifice . Attending during Police Week , honoring those who have fallen , both saddens me and makes me proud to see them honored for what they gave . My prayer is that the growing list would stop . Thank you to those officers who gave their lives to protect us . My thoughts are with you , and the family members you left behind .”
Scott Thompson , retired law enforcement and Cop2Cop Peer Support Counselor added , “ Attending National Police Week was an amazing experience , and one that evoked strong emotions . During my 27 years in law enforcement , and 9 years of retirement , I have gone to the National Law Enforcement Memorial about half a dozen times , but for one reason or another had never attended National Police Week . Going to the Memorial with my family , colleagues , or National Academy class was always enormously powerful but is no comparison to being at the Memorial while attending National Police Week events . Speaking with surviving family members and co-workers of officers who gave their lives in the line of duty , welcoming and cheering on the Police Unity Tour , and attending the Candlelight Vigil were all an honor , and made me feel both deeply sad and incredibly proud at the same time . Sad that so many of my brothers and sisters have paid the ultimate sacrifice , and that their families , both blood and blue , continue to suffer the indescribable pain of their loss . Proud that the law enforcement community will never forget the fallen , will never forget the survivors , and will forever love and support them . That same sadness and pride that I felt , was infinitely more apparent in the eyes and words of both the survivors and the officers who came to pay tribute to the fallen and their families . Law enforcement is a calling , a most noble and honorable profession , and a family ; one that I was blessed to be a part of . Attending National Police Week and showing my profound respect for our fallen and their families , as well as for those who currently serve , is an even bigger blessing ; and something I will do for the rest of my life . Our law enforcement family deserves nothing less , during National Police Week and the other 51 weeks of the year as well .”
Sabrina Howard-Mills , retired law enforcement and Cop2Cop Peer Support Counselor summarized her experience . “ Police Memorial Week , what can I say ? This was my first time going to this event . After 27 years as a Detective , I have always wanted to attend but life or work kept me away . It ’ s been 2 years since I retired and I am so saddened that I waited so long to honor my fallen Brothers and Sisters in Blue . Seeing the wall full of names known and unknown was so overwhelming to me . Taking that little piece of paper and rubbing the name of a good friend to keep with me always brought back so many memories of her . It brought back the night we lost her . The highs and lows of the day , speaking with families and officers regarding their loved ones was so amazing , I know they truly will never be forgotten . All the love that was shown by the officers to the known and unknown showed a bond between us that can never be broken . As the men and women rode into the Memorial from the Unity Tour to see their faces , some crying , some grateful to see us cheer them on , and some grateful that they had completed their mission was astonishing . I was so excited to attend the Candlelight Vigil for all of the officers who gave their life in the line of duty was so very emotional for me . Reading just one name was too much . To know that so many dedicated officers gave the ultimate sacrifice doing what they loved touched my heart and I became so overwhelmed and cried uncontrollably . As officers , we go out of our way to protect people that we don ’ t know every day . We know what we are signing up for , and pray every day that it won ’ t come to that . To take a life or lose a life , even our own , is so much to bear on us as well as our own families . I am so blessed that I was able to attend these events . I will NEVER FORGET .”
In summary , we honor law enforcement at Cop2Cop in every moment of every day for over 23 years now , but some moments affirm our mission . My favorite moment was when after first visiting the Law Enforcement Memorial Wall to search for names and pray , I looked over to see my husband with a wooden cross larger than him on his shoulders on a hill with another officer . I came to find out the Chief of a department who had lost two of his officers tragically wanted to set up a special area to honor them and had brought this huge cross and needed someone to help him carry it . Retired Chief Thompson , one of our Cop2Cop team members and my husband spent the next thirty minutes arranging and securing the cross , photos and wreath . That is what law enforcement does , you respond to someone in need , you carry a cross , and you secure it to honor those around you in your everyday work . So blessed to be a part of these moments . Can ’ t wait for next year .