The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 9 | Page 17

The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | June 2023
Continued from previous page
Are you disseminating information on a departmentwide level the reinforces your support of personnel seeking help , and
are you doing that consistently ? Conversation plus education equals reduced stigma .
Do you have a chaplaincy program to assist with employee outreach ?
Are you making all this information available to recruits in the academy ?
This checklist is a resource from Sierra Tucson . Find more information about its Red , white and Blue program for the first responder community here .
1 . Klimley KE , Van Hasselt VB , Stripling AM . ( 2018 .) Posttraumatic stress disorder in police , firefighters , and emergency dispatchers .” Aggression and Violent Behavior .
2 . Walden University . 5 Reasons the Mental Health of Police Officers Needs to Be a Priority .
3 . Law Enforcement . National Alliance on Mental Illness .
4 . Jetelina KK , Molsberry RJ , Gonzalez JR , et al . ( 2020 .) Prevalence of Mental Illness and Mental Health Care Use Among Police Officers . JAMA Netw Open .
5 . Novotney A . ( Oct . 21 , 2022 .) Why mental health needs to be a top priority in the workplace . American Psychological Association .
6 . The Future of Well-being at Work : Strategies for HR Leaders in 2023 . Aduro .
7 . Bentley MA , Crawford JM , Wilkins JR , et al . ( 2013 .) An Assessment of Depression , Anxiety , and Stress Among Nationally Certified EMS Professionals . Prehospital Emergency Care .
8 . First Responders : Behavioral Health Concerns , Emergency Response , and Trauma . ( May 2018 .) SAMHSA .
9 . Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluation Guidelines . ( 2018 .) IACP .
10 . Schlosser LZ , Guller ME . ( 2016 .) Unfit and Unfixable : A Closer Look at Officers Found Unfit for Duty with Little Chance of Recovery . New Jersey Police Chief Magazine .
About the authors
William “ Bill ” Mazur is a 25-year law enforcement veteran and retired from his department in 2017 as deputy chief of police . Bill holds a bachelor ’ s degree in criminal justice and a master ’ s degree in human resources training and development . He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and a master instructor with the FBI National Academy Associates in their comprehensive officer resilience training program . As a Public Safety Liaison with Acadia Healthcare ’ s Treatment Placement Specialists Team , he provides specialized treatment guidance for public safety personnel , first responders and families in personal crises .
Joseph “ Joe ” Collins is a 35-year law enforcement veteran who retired in 2020 from the Two Rivers ( Wisconsin ) Police Department as chief of police . He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and was the 2015-2016 president of the Wisconsin FBI National Academy Associates ( FBINAA ), where he served five years on the executive board . He previously served as cochair of the FBINAA ’ s Officer Safety and Wellness Committee and as a member of its Finance Committee . He is a master instructor with the FBINAA ’ s comprehensive officer resilience train-the-trainer program and serves as a subject matter expert consultant for the U . S . Department of Justice in officer resilience . As a Public Safety Liaison with Acadia Healthcare ’ s Treatment Placement Specialists Team , he provides specialized treatment guidance for public safety personnel , first responders and families in personal crises .