The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 6 | Page 7

From the NJSACOP Archives … February
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | February 2023
1912 The first meeting of the NJSACOP was conducted at the Court House in Newark , NJ . Elizabeth Police Chief George Tenney was elected President , Jersey City Police Chief Frank Monahan was elected Vice President , East Orange Police Chief William O ’ Neill was elected Secretary , and New Brunswick Police Chief Michael O ’ Connell was elected Treasurer . Bylaws were adopted , and a motion made and carried authorizing the Secretary to “ purchase all needed stationary and supplies for use of the Association .” Chief Tenney addressed the membership , promising “ to do everything in his power to advance the objects of the Association and work for the betterment of Police Departments .”
Chiefs Tenney and Monahan
1933 The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for February 1933 was held in Newark , NJ . Bergen County Police Chief Peter Siccardi “ called attention to a movement in Bergen County in which the Chiefs of that county were backing , whereby the county would shortly put into effect a broadcasting system and where all police stations and police cars within the county would be equipped with radios .”
Chief William O ’ Neill
1937 Hawthorne Police Chief Vanderwalk reported that “ Passaic County Chiefs of Police had formed an association and would be glad to co-operate with this or any other , police association .”
1938 The NJSACOP Monthly State Chiefs Meeting for February 1938 was held at the Court House in Newark , NJ . Union City Police Chief Harry Jenkins addressed the membership concerning the matter of Detective Materka :
Who was killed in the performance of his duty by a stick-up artist on January 21 st , going into the details of the man ’ s description , dress , etc . – a man 5 ’ 10 ”, between 28-35 years , wore oxford gray suit , olive skin , heavy lines on his forehead , suave and deliberate , and asked for support in the way of co-operation – stating that the bullet taken from the body of Detective Maturka was from a . 32 calibre revolver , but that the murderer had also taken Materka ’ s service gun from his holster after he had shot him – this being a . 38 calibre gun , with his name engraved on the handle , and stated that the bullet was on file at the New York City Police .
1962 At the monthly state police chiefs meeting , Perth Amboy Chief John Swallick of the New Jersey Police Training Commission reported that , as per the recently enacted law , was now organized , and an Executive Director had been selected . “ However , with the election of a new Governor , and appointment of a new Attorney General , it would take some time to begin functioning .
Chief John Swallick
March 2nd April 6th May 4th June 1st September 7th October 5th November 2nd
All meetings are held at The Doubletree Hotel located at 700 Hope Road , Tinton Falls , NJ .
Breakfast is served at 9:00 am . The Briefing begins at 10:00 am .