The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 6 | Page 5

The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | February 2023
As I write this month ’ s President ’ s message , we are still dealing with the shock of a cold-blooded line of duty murder right across the Delaware River of Temple University Police Department Police Officer Christopher Fitzgerald . This came right on the heals of 14 other line of duty deaths of law enforcement officers throughout the country since the beginning of 2023 .
As a nation we are also still dealing with the fallout from the January 7 th death of Tyre Nichols and the resulting indictments of several Memphis Police Department officers .
While these events did not occur in our state , as usual they will impact our communities , our agencies , and our personnel in a variety of ways . As leaders in our profession , it is important that we continue , as an Association and as individual police chiefs , to stay engaged with policy makers , our communities , and our officers . Police Chiefs are the indispensable link , the hub through which the government , community , and department come together . Police executives not only lead the members of our agency ; we also help lead our community . We have to relate to , and communicate with , all segments of the community in ways that they are familiar with , so as to be able to deliver the messages that they need to receive . The same of course is true for our communication with political leadership and the officers that we lead .
These are difficult times , and not just for our officers and agencies . Our communities and yes , even our political leaders , are dealing with unprecedented challenges as well . We – Chiefs of Police – can and should provide much needed leadership in these difficult days . Author , coach , and speaker John Maxwell has provided one of the best summaries that I ’ ve come across of what strong leadership in tough times looks like . Here is how he recommends leading and serving people during difficult times :
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Define Reality Remind them of the Big Picture Help them Develop a Plan Help them Make Good Choices Value and Promote Teamwork Give them Hope
However you define it , leadership is not optional for those of us fortunate enough to hold the position of police chief , and I ’ m proud to say that no one does it better than New Jersey Chiefs of Police .
The NJSACOP sends its sincerest condolences to the families of
Chief Anthony DiLoreto Retired Member
Chief Edwin Kroger Retired Life Member
Chief Robert Re Retired Life Member