The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 6 | Page 18

Healthy Living Tips from

The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | February 2023
HEALTH TIP : Treat Your Heart Right
Most people think of February as the time to celebrate love , but it is also the time to take a moment to care for your own heart , and not just emotionally . As Heart Month , February is designated as the time for everyone to learn more about heart disease and how to prevent it , and the American Heart Association uses this time to raise awareness of heart disease and how to prevent it .
Unfortunately , heart disease is the number one cause of death for men and women , and across every racial and ethnic group in America .
To help ward off this often silent killer , cardiologist Renee Bullock-Palmer , MD , Director of the Women ’ s Heart Center and Director of Non Invasive Cardiac Imaging at Deborah Heart and Lung Center , encourages everyone to focus on prevention .
“ Studies have shown the presence of fatty streaks , which are the precursors to plaque , in large blood vessels such as the aorta as early as teen years , which is why women should begin a healthy lifestyle early on in an effort to prevent cardiovascular disease later in life ,” explains Dr . Bullock-Palmer . “ It ’ s also important that we teach our children by example .”
Dr . Bullock-Palmer recommends that women follow these simple lifestyle tips :
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Reduce or eliminate saturated and trans fats Minimize intake of food and beverages with added sugars Maintain regular physical activity Consume a diet rich in fruits , vegetables , and whole-grain foods Don ’ t smoke . This is the single best heart friendly thing a person can do
“ While it is important to focus on healthy living throughout your life , it is never too late to start taking care of yourself ,” encourages Dr . Bullock-Palmer . “ If you smoke , quit . If you don ’ t exercise , start – under your doctor ’ s supervision , of course . If you are not eating a healthy diet ask your doctor or a nutritionist to help you get on the right track . We need to make ourselves a priority .”
Unfortunately , leading a healthy lifestyle is not always enough to prevent heart disease . This is why regular medical screening and early detection are so critical . It is never too early to stay on top of your heart health .
“ I think everyone should know their blood pressure and have their cholesterol screened by the time they are at least 40 years old , and continue to monitor these critical numbers as they age ,” said Dr . Bullock-Palmer . “ The timing and intensity of other screenings will depend on your risk factors such as high blood pressure , high cholesterol , strong family history , diabetes , smoking , obesity and presence of symptoms .”
For anyone with the above risk factors or any symptoms of heart disease , Dr . Bullock-Palmer suggests seeking out medical advice right away . Early detection can be the difference between life and death .
February is the perfect time to start and take charge of your heart and your overall health ! For more information visit www . DemandDeborah . org or call 855-646-3484 .