The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 6 | Page 14

The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | February 2023
Motorists , State Lawmakers and Police Must Work Together to Curb Auto Theft
By Thomas Dellane , President , New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police
New Jersey is experiencing a rash of car thefts not experienced since the 1980s , when vehicles were easily hotwired and sent off to chop shops for cash windfalls .
Today , with the enormous advancement in anti-theft technology , including keyless ignition and engine immobilizers , one would assume that it would be near impossible to steal a car these days . Yet we are facing this enormous , and unexpected , spike in crime .
And why ? In many cases , motorists are mindlessly dropping their key fobs in the cup holder or the glove compartment , or leave their cars running untended while they do errands . Some cars can even be started if the key is just nearby .
The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police ( NJSACOP ) asks motorists to be more vigilant in safeguarding their vehicles from theft . Our message is remarkably simple , but important : please lock your doors and take your key fob with you . But , sadly , we are still seeing that more than 14,300 vehicles have been stolen in New Jersey through November 2022 — an increase of 9 % from last year and a jump of 41 % from 2020 , when there was a record low .
The trend is not just in our state . According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau ’ s ( NICB ) Hot Spots Reports , vehicle theft continues to skyrocket in many areas of the United States . Nationwide , 932,329 vehicles were reported stolen to law enforcement in 2021 , a 6 % increase over 2020 and a 17 % increase since 2019 .
Police departments — especially smaller ones — have become overwhelmed with car theft cases . It is an enormous burden for local detectives , especially because most of the cases involve joy rides in which the vehicle remain intact . We shouldn ’ t expect police to be consumed by this trend ; it diverts manpower from protecting the public from more significant crime .
With input from the NJSACOP , there has been a growing movement in New Jersey to protect vehicles . For example , various law enforcement agencies are sharing more information than ever . The attorney general has relaxed rules for police chases , allowing us more latitude to seek and apprehend car thieves . New Jersey has also invested in license plate readers , giving patrol officers an advantage in discovering stolen cars .
But , despite so much momentum and focus , the NJSACOP believes there needs to be tighter penalties for people who steal cars . That is why our organization is voicing support for proposed legislation in Trenton that would create further deterrents .
Five bills are now working through the state Legislature with NJSACOP ’ s strong support .
One bill , A . 2210 / S . 249 , requires scrap metal businesses to keep information about any seller of catalytic converters not connected to a vehicle , while another , A . 4930 / S . 3390 , stiffens penalties for suspects who illegally use a vehicle ’ s master key .
Two other bills should also be signed : One , A . 4931 / S . 3389 , establishes car thievery and receiving a stolen car as their own offenses , while extending sentences for repeat offenders . The other , A . 3666 / S . 2283 increases fines and suspensions for carjacking and car theft .
There is also S . 3006 / A . 4595 , which increases penalties for repeat convictions of certain motor vehicle related crimes and increases penalties for leaders of auto theft rings .
While we hope that state lawmakers will act swiftly on these bills , as well as other legislation that is designed to fairly curb car theft , we cannot rely solely on Trenton to fix the problem .
Local police departments must continue to spread the message about ways in which people can protect their cars , such as parking in well-lit areas , closing the windows , not leaving an idling car unattended and , of course , not leaving the key fob in the cup holder .
New Jerseyans should also play an active role , keeping a closer eye on the neighborhood and promptly sharing information in social media groups . For areas with high rates of car theft , we ’ ve seen community members form citizen watch groups , posting photos of suspicious vehicles with out-of-state tags and coordinating local meetings with law enforcement .
Working together , and remaining vigilant , New Jersey can once again make auto theft an outdated crime through heavier penalties and a lesser chance for success .