The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 6 | Page 11

New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police 111 th Annual Training Conference June 26 – June 29 , 2023 Caesars Atlantic City Hotel & Casino & Atlantic City Convention Center REGISTRATION FORM
Registrations fees –
Active Chief-NJSACOP member - $ 425
Associate-NJSACOP member - $ 425
Non-member of NJSACOP - $ 445
Retired Chief-NJSACOP member - $ 250
Attendee information : Title & Name _________________________________________________________________________________ Agency _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ City , State , Zip ______________________________________________
County ___________________________
Email ( required for confirmation ) __________________________________________________________________ ========================================================================================== Spouse / Companion of Active , Non-Member or Associate member - $ 250 ; Spouse / Companion of Retired member - $ 175
Name ____________________________________________________ Email ____________________________
Spouse / Companion full registration includes : Host Chiefs Night , Banquet , Special Spouse Event , Breakfasts ==========================================================================================
Fee Totals : Attendee
Spouse / Companion
$___________ $___________
TOTAL $___________ P . O .#__________; Check #_______; CC -Visa , MC , Amex
Make P . O ./ check payable to : New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Send registration form with payment information to : 751 Route 73 North , Suite 12 – Marlton NJ 08053 email : mjgaines @ njsacop . org
Credit card info-CC # ___________________________________________ Exp date _____/______ CVV Code ________ Address of CC holder ______________________________________________________________________________ Amount to be charged $_________________
Signature ________________________________________________
Hotel room reservations can be made at the Caesars Hotel Booking Website : https :// book . passkey . com / go / sc06cp3 To reserve by phone , call 888-516-2215 ; use Group Code SC06CP3 and mention “ Chiefs of Police ” The cut-off date for reservations is June 11 , 2023 – RESERVE EARLY !
____________________________________________________________________________________________ Use the Breakfast / Seminar Registration Form for additional personnel for Tuesday & Wednesday ; Additional tickets can be purchased for Host Chiefs Night and the Annual Installation Banquet upon request . Your fees are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution .