The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Volume 29, Number 3 | Page 22

1 . Check the label . 2 . Look for the NIJ mark .

Body Armor Saves Lives . Wear It .

Is my body armor NIJ certifed ?

1 . Check the label . 2 . Look for the NIJ mark .

Care For Your Body Armor

1 . Visually inspect ballistic panel covers frequently .
( Listed Company ’ s ) Name ( Listed Company ’ s ) Address
Model : ___________________________________________ Size : _____________________________________________ Serial Number : _____________________________________ Lot Number : _______________________________________ Location of Manufacture : _____________________________ Date of Manufacture : ________________________________ Date of Issue : ______________________________________ Manufacturer ’ s Declared Warranty Period : _______ years . Threat Level ( NIJ 0101.06 ): _______________
This model of armor has been determined to comply with NIJ Standard-0101.06 by the NIJ Compliance Testing Program and is listed on the NIJ Compliant Products List .
WARNING ! This garment is rated ONLY for the ballistic threat level stated above . It is NOT intended to protect against rifle fire or sharp-edged or pointed instruments .
** Wear Face ** This side to be worn against body .
Care Instructions for Ballistic Panel : ( Sample Instructions Shown ): 1 . Do not Wash or Dry Clean . 2 . Wipe With a Damp Cloth .
2 . If the integrity of the panel cover is compromised in any way , notify your agency representative right away .
3 . Never attempt to repair armor panels .
4 . Agencies should consider replacing , or returning to the manufacturer , any armor panel or label that shows damage or excessive wear .