The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | January 2021
Continued from previous page
Our NJSACOP LEAP-PSAP is designed as follows ; · There are one hundred and twelve ( 112 ) NJSACOP Law Enforcement Accreditation Standards .
· There are forty seven ( 47 ) NJSACOP Communication Standards ; 32 ( 68 %) of which are directly aligned with the NJSACOP law enforcement standards .
· Agencies already accredited by NJSACOP LEAP would need to comply with fifteen ( 15 ) additional standards ( Difference between 47 NJSACOP Communications standards and 32 included NJSACOP LEAP ).
· Stand-alone Public Safety Communications Centers would have to comply with all 47 standards under the new program under NJSACOP LEAP-PSAP .
· Standards are accessible through PowerDMS- Power Standards .
NEW JERSEY STATE ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE LAW ENFORCEMNET ACCREDITATION PROGRAM VIRTUAL ASSESSMENTS The NJSACOP LEAP has developed a completely “ virtual ” assessment process leveraging the technology provided by PowerDMS Power Standards and 911eye . We are able to review all files remotely , and securely capture video of agency tours and interviews . Video recordings have GPS and auditing capabilities enhancing the integrity of the assessment process .
We have already scheduled over twenty ( 20 ) agencies for “ virtual ” assessments for our upcoming Spring Commission Hearing . If you are an agency due for re-accreditation or initial accreditation requesting to schedule an assessment or have any questions , please reach out to me via email at hdelgado @ njsacop . org .
2020 Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report
According to preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund ( NLEOMF ), as of December 31 , 2020 , 264 federal , state , military , tribal , and local law enforcement officers died in the line-of-duty in 2020 , an increase of 96 % from the 135 officers killed during the same period . In 2020 , officer fatalities ranged from automobile crashes to heart attacks and from gunshots to being beaten to death . Of these tragic deaths , Covid-19 related fatalities were the single highest cause of officer line-of-duty deaths in 2020 .
Of the 264 officers who have died in the line of duty , there were 145 confirmed Covid-19 cases . It must be noted however , as the pandemic rages on , NLEOMF has already identified a significant number of additional Covid-19- related fatalities . Once these cases are confirmed , NLEOMF projects that the total number of Covid-19 fatalities and the total number of line-of-duty deaths will grow significantly .