The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | June 2021 Two East Brunswick Police Officers Receive NJSACOP Valor Award
The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police ( NJSACOP ) has awarded its prestigious 2021 Valor Award to township Police Officers Ryan Hensperger and Robert Thuring for preventing a suicide attempt that also threatened the safety of New Jersey Turnpike motorists .
Chief Frank LoSacco credited Officers Hensperger and Thuring with stopping a distraught 28-year-old man from jumping off a Route 18 overpass onto the busy New Jersey Turnpike on June 21 , 2020 .
When they exhausted attempts to negotiate , the chief said the two officers grabbed and struggled with the agitated man , noting “ they could have been pulled over the overpass railing and also fallen 50 feet onto the Turnpike below ,” Chief LoSacco said .
“ The swift , decisive actions that Officers Hensperger and Thuring took , without regard for their own safety , saved his life . They also prevented potentially tragic accidents for unsuspecting Turnpike drivers , had this young man suddenly fallen into the path of oncoming traffic that day ,” Chief LoSacco said .
“ Their behavior , bravery and training illustrates the ‘ protect-and-serve ’ ideals that our police department endeavors to provide to the people who live , work and visit our community ,” LoSacco said .
Hensperger and Thuring were among 33 nominees from nine New Jersey police departments . This year ’ s Valor Award will be presented at the 109th NJSACOP ’ s Annual Conference & Police Security Expo on Aug . 23 – 26 in Atlantic City .
Thuring is an eight-year veteran of the department who began his law enforcement career in 2011 as a Monroe Township patrolman . Hensperger was hired as an East Brunswick police officer in 2017 and has a criminal justice degree from Rutgers University .
LoSacco , a 33-year police veteran and chief since August 2019 , achieved NJSACOP ’ s highest personal accreditation for a command executive . That top certification puts him among 33 % of New Jersey police chiefs .
In 2019 , NJSACOP awarded the 83-officer East Brunswick Police Dept . with its “ Police Agency Accreditation ,” an achievement that culminated two years of preparation and compliance with the 112 professional standard requirements .
The NJSACOP established its Valor Award in 2000 to recognize New Jersey police officers and private citizens who demonstrate exceptional heroism and commitment to their profession , their law enforcement agency and to the public they serve .
Learn more about the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police at www . NJSACOP . org .
East Brunswick Police Officer Robert Thuring with Police Chief Frank LoSacco . ( Inset : Officer Ryan Hensperger ). Credit : East Brunswick Police Dept .