The NJ Police Chief Magazine Volume 25, Number 6 | Page 13
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | June 2019
Law Enforcement Accreditation Clinics at the Police/Security Expo
Harry J. Delgado, Ed.S. Accreditation Program Director
The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (NJSACOP LEAP) will
be hosting a “Clinics with a Panel of Experts” during the NJSACOP 107 th Annual Training Conference and Police
Security Expo Tuesday June 25th, 2019.
Clinics take place at the Police/Security Expo at the Atlantic City Convention Center next to the Bike Test Track
Tuesday, June 25th - 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM.
These group sessions will provide information to attendees about the Revised Accreditation Standards © by
subject matter experts. At least one quarter of the program will be devoted to questions and answers. We have
designed our workshop as a panel format program structure. As such we have assembled a group of subject
matter experts (SMEs) which includes NJSACOP Assessors, PowerDMS Power Standards Experts, and others.
The program will feature a presentation and update of NJSACOP LEAP, The NJSACOP LEAP Process Manual as a
resource tool, and other services. The session will cover the new standards, revised language and PowerDMS
Power Standards, as well as to how to effectively address the requirements to satisfy all of the standards.
Attendees will have an opportunity to join and engage the subject matter experts not only to answer questions,
but in a discussion about their experiences addressing issues encountered in their various capacities. This
program is designed to conveniently offer direct access to accreditation experts and bring the resources of NJSA-
COP LEAP to them or their agencies.
There is no cost to attend the Clinics.
To RSVP, please email Jennifer Conover at [email protected] with your preferred time slot. You will also need
to pre-register for the Expo.
For additional information I may be reached at [email protected].
The NJSACOP sends its sincerest condolences to the families of:
Chief Robert Luce
Retired Life Member
Chief John Moody
Retired Life Member, Past President
Chief George Kluetz
Retired Life Member
Chief William Hocking
Retired Life Member