The NJ Police Chief Magazine Volume 24, Number 1 | Page 12

Development Case Study Features and benefits In July 2013, a fire broke out in a plastic and paper recycling plant in Smethwick, West Midlands, UK. The nature of the information provided by the first caller meant that only a small-scale response was mobilised by West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS). However, once the firefighters arrived at the scene they immediately called for significantly more support. Secure, one-time-use link sent by text message Works on any smart device and operating system - using SMS ensures widest possible take-up - No app required Real-time live video stream viewable by Dispatcher Maintains voice contact with caller while images are transmitted Ultimately the fire, which involved 100,000 tonnes of plastic recycling material, produced a 6,000-foot smoke plume and caused approximately £6million worth of damage. The incident required the attendance of more than 200 firefighters. Still images available in lower signal coverage Secure cloud-hosted service and ISO27001 Information Security assurance Following the blaze, WMFS began to investigate how they could have dealt with the incident differently. A key conclusion was that if the information received in the first 911 call had been more accurate, WMFS could have provided a more effective response. Confirms caller