The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Vol. 28, Number 1 | Page 26

Ask the Physician

The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | September 2021
My cardiologist told me that I have blockages in my leg and I need further treatment . I ’ m scared . Will I have to have surgery ? – John , Middletown
John , I understand your concerns . Finding out you have a blockage either in your arteries going to your heart or in the arteries in your legs ( peripheral arterial disease ) can be very frightening . That being said , specialists , like those found at Deborah , have a lot of options when treating this .
First you will need comprehensive testing to find out the extent and severity of the blockage . An ultrasound or angiogram ( with a contrast dye ) can give an excellent idea as to the presence or severity of disease . Blood tests can help determine if there are any factors that may be contributing to the build-up of plaque in your arteries .
With test results in hand a treatment plan can be put into place . If your condition hasn ’ t progressed too far , medications to control cholesterol , high blood pressure , diabetes , and increase blood flow in your arteries are usually the first line of defense in preventing blockages . Many times these can have significant impact on your condition .
If however you need more aggressive disease management , minimally-invasive approaches like angioplasty and stenting are frequently used to open obstructed vessels in your legs , just as can be done in your heart . Peripheral bypass surgery , though very effective at restoring blood flow , is typically reserved only for the relatively few cases where a minimally invasive technique is not an option .
In addition to medical intervention , your doctor can help you create an effective exercise program to help increase blood flow and help manage your symptoms .
If you have questions , or need a second opinion , the specialists at Deborah are available to discuss your situation . For more information , visit www . DemandDeborah . org or call 855-646-3484 .
Richard Kovach , MD Chair , Interventional Cardiology Deborah Heart and Lung Center