The NJSACOP Speakers Series , a featured component of the NJSACOP E-Learning Center , is proud to announce the start of our 2021 - 2022 Series . The Speakers Series presents both national and international leaders that will be able to share important insights . The monthly series is a one-hour live virtual program that connects attendees with influential figures in a manner designed to provide a leadership perspective as we navigate challenges and foster growth in our agencies and communities .
The Speakers Series will be delivered LIVE the 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00am . ( September – June ) Subscription to the Speakers Series will provide access to all presentations .
Chief Superintendent Alan Gibson Divisional Commander Forth Valley Division Police Scotland
Acting Deputy Director Marc Zimmerman INTERPOL Washington US National Central Bureau
Commissioner Trevor Bottling Turk & Caicos Island Police
Chief Constable Andy Marsh ( Ret .) Avon & Somerset ( UK ) Police
Assistant Director in Charge Michael J . Driscoll Federal Bureau of Investigation New York Field Office
Deputy Chief Ed Hartnett ( Ret .) NYPD
Chief Inspector Fez Khan Crewe Local Policing Unit Commander Cheshire ( UK ) Constabulary
Superintendent-in-Chief Dan Linskey ( Ret .) Boston PD Kroll , Inc .
Professor Lawrence Sherman Director , Cambridge Centre for Evidence-Based Policing
Special Agent Thomas O ’ Connor ( Ret .) JTTF / Evidence Response Team Federal Bureau of Investigation FedSquared Consulting