The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Vol. 27, Number 7 | Page 16

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The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | February 2021
The Command & Leadership Academy and its principles supported me to guide my people through this demanding situation when at times it seemed unsustainable . Specifically , the philosophies of communicating the vision effectively , having high expectations , and demonstrating self-sacrifice ( cornerstones of transformational leadership ) were vital to keeping the group focused and assured . Those men and women in uniform acted selflessly and honorably in an unforgiving , unrelenting moment in time and space in our history . Keeping them together and functioning as a group was crucial to adapting to our external environment . As we all have come to appreciate in this profession , the environment is a variable we cannot overlook , but working through change as a group allows for the best outcome as our early human ancestors revealed and passed forward to us .
I will hold the memories of those shifts with me forever . Never in my life have I had the privilege to witness a display of physical and mental toughness that was demonstrated by law enforcement . The saying goes , “ Tough times come and go , but tough people remain .” There ’ s truth in that phrase .
We as a profession , a community , and a people are all in this together . The people are not just our brother and sister officers . They are the public and everyone who trusts us to navigate the delicate balance of providing public safety and upholding civil liberties , so they can enjoy freedom . It ’ s not always easy and can be messy at times . Law enforcement is always involved and part of the equation of current events in the world . They receive proper praise as well as criticism when appropriate . Commissioner Bill Bratton presented in the NJSACOP Speakers Series last year . He mentioned the old Teddy Roosevelt axiom in regard to “ The Man in the Arena ,” it ’ s appropriate to review his profound words :
" It is not the critic who counts ; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles , or where the doer of deeds could have done them better . The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena , whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood ; who strives valiantly ; who errs , who comes short again and again , because there is no effort without error and shortcoming ; but who does actually strive to do the deeds ; who knows great enthusiasms , the great devotions ; who spends himself in a worthy cause ; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement , and who at the worst , if he fails , at least fails while daring greatly , so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat ."
With all this in mind , time came to answer my student . Thinking of all the people who mentored me , supported me for success , let me learn from failure , and all the experiences I have had in my career inspired me to provide a response . I explained to the student that law enforcement will always face difficult challenges and it requires bright , fresh , young minds to engage in the discussions of today to cultivate solutions for the future . Together , we as a group can hold up to whatever falls in our way . Ultimately , it is our and your responsibility to be involved . I never regret my career path for a second , it ’ s an admirable profession constituted of a self-sacrificing group , committed to working together toward a common vision of protecting and serving people . When we work together anything is surmountable . You win with people .