COST : $ 199 per person
This is an ONLINE course . After you submit your registration , you will receive an email with the link to the online courses .
( There are three 2-hour courses in total )
You must register and complete the courses PRIOR to the live Q & A Session to be held on November 16 , 2020 .
This program is open to all Police Supervisors involved in the budgeting process for their respective Police Department . Students will leave with an improved working knowledge of the complex budgeting process in New Jersey . They will also gain valuable knowledge to assist them in preparing and managing the Police Department Budget and learn strategies to help them secure funding for their top priorities .
The course will cover such topics as : |
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Overview of the Municipal Budget Process in New Jersey |
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Purchasing Basics |
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Capital Planning |
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Budget Strategies and Avoiding Pitfalls |
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Overview of a Police Staffing Analysis |
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Calculating the Cost of the Police Department to the Taxpayer |
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR Christopher Leusner has been serving as Chief of Police in Middle Township for the last 10 years . He has extensive experience planning , preparing and executing operational and capital budgets . Chief Leusner holds a Master ’ s Degree in Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University , he is a Certified Public Manager , a graduate of the FBI National Academy Session 234 , graduate of New Jersey State Chiefs of Police West Point Command and Leadership Program , and was a Leadership Exchange Fellow at the College of Policing in the United Kingdom .
Chief Leusner is a Senior Adjunct Professor at Atlantic Cape Community College and is a past President of the FBI National Academy Associates New Jersey Chapter and Cape May County Chiefs of Police Association . He currently serves as Immediate Past President for the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police .