Chief Robert Herndon : An Appreciation
With a heavy heart I note the recent passing of retired Allendale Police Chief Robert Herndon , who in 1999 – 2000 served as NJSACOP President . He also served as President of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association . Bob was a distinguished police executive , Association leader , decorated veteran , true gentleman , and most importantly devoted father , grandfather , and husband . On a personal note , I considered him a friend and mentor , and will always be grateful for his guidance during the early days of my tenure as Executive Director .
In honor of Bob ’ s memory , below is a reprint of my Executive Director ’ s Report from November 2010 , which was inspired by my attendance at the wonderful retirement dinner given in Bob ’ s honor . Although he is sadly no longer with us , his community , our state , and our Association will continue to reap the rewards of Bob ’ s legacy of service .
The Police Chief : Pillar of the Community ( November 2010 )
The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | October 2020
A few weeks back I had the pleasure of attending a retirement dinner held in honor of Allendale Police Chief Bob Herndon . On the one hand , it was certainly a bittersweet occasion – while happy for Bob and his family as he reached this hard-earned milestone , I know that Bob ’ s shoes will be hard to fill . His work on behalf of his colleagues and the Association has been unmatched .
On the other hand , the honors paid to Bob by the members of his community were all sweet and no bitter . Speaker after speaker came to the microphone with words of respect , admiration , and thanks . Yes , some of those who spoke were Bob ’ s law enforcement peers . But even more importantly were those folks who came to honor Bob from the community at large : pastors and teachers and neighbors and community groups . As they came up to present Bob with a plaque or other token of their esteem , the common theme of their remarks was how important Chief Robert Herndon has been to their town and their community .
Now of course this was a wonderful tribute to a particular Chief of Police ( and a well deserved one ). But it occurred to me that in towns throughout our state , the local Police Chief is a pillar of the local community . While others come and go , the Chief has literally spent his or her entire working life serving the community , from rookie patrol officers up through the ranks . When “ it hits the fan ” the people of a town know where to look for direction , for strength , for professional know-how . Of course , the title itself lends an aura of credibility and respect . But beyond that , it is the men and women who carry that title , and the responsibility that comes with it , that have made the office of “ Chief of Police ” what it is today . And make no mistake , the Chief of Police is a key and highly esteemed member of our communities ( the slings and arrows of some of our politicians notwithstanding ….). Just ask the good folks in Allendale – and in boroughs and townships all over our New Jersey .
Mitchell C . Sklar , Esq . NJSACOP Executive Director