The NJ Police Chief Magazine - Vol. 27, Number 11 | Page 5



The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | July / August 2021
Whatever Happened to the Summer Break ?
Not so long ago the summer months were reserved for a recharge of our batteries with thoughts wandering towards activities that engaged family and friends . The work days ’ pace was slower … and sometimes shorter , even for those whose communities swelled with tourists and the like . Summer offered a brief respite before refocusing on preparing the upcoming year ’ s agency budget , combing through employee evaluations and ensuring the accuracy of end of the year filings and the analytics of crime reporting thoroughly completed .
Even the pandemic took a short break last summer as daily reporting of positive cases dipped significantly , albeit briefly . However , this summer seems different and the workload more relentless as our concerns remain fixated on implementation of a new BWC policy and the roll out of cameras , trying to manage the training for Use of Force , particularly the ICAT and ABLE components within our officers ’ schedules . And we remain actively engaged with in-person discussions within our individual communities educating them on what has taken place through criminal justice reform .
Equally as important , we continue to monitor our officers for stress and fatigue as they re-emerge from the dormancy caused by the pandemic and readjust to the sweeping changes in police practices brought on by reform .
We take some consolation knowing that we are doing it together , relying upon each other for guidance and support . That ’ s what ’ s so great about our association .
Later this month , August 23 rd – 26 th , we will be hosting our first conference in over a year . The preparation has been cumbersome as there are no “ routine ” events with COVID . But , the plan is for Host Chiefs Night , our training events and Installation Banquet to have that old familiar feel . In all , we hope that you ’ ll find the conference to be both informative and relaxing . A short but enjoyable diversion during a busier than usual summer season .
On behalf of the Board of Officers , Mitch and our support staff , thank you for all that you do for your communities , your agencies and this association . Please enjoy the rest of your summer , be safe and I hope to see you all in Atlantic City later this month .
Chief John Zebrowski NJSACOP President