association business
The NJSACOP welcomes the following new members :
NJSACOP 109th Annual Training Conference & Police / Security Expo August 23-26 , 2021 The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City , NJ CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
The Gettysburg Leadership Experience October 15-17 , 2021 SOLD OUT
Police Executive Institute 19th Session October 18-22 , 2021 The National Conference Center / Holiday Inn East Windsor , NJ SOLD OUT
Contemporary Issues in Police Administration November 15-19 , 2021 The National Conference Center / Holiday Inn East Windsor , NJ SOLD OUT
Chief Christopher Garrity Avon-by-the-Sea PD
Chief Edward Niesz Manalapan PD
Chief Joseph Rella Ridgefield Park PD
Chief Joseph Miscia Madison PD
NJSACOP Executive Staff
Executive Director Mitchell C . Sklar , Esq ., CAE mcsklar @ njsacop . org
Deputy Executive Director Chief William Nally , Ret . wnally @ njsacop . org
Office Manager Melissa J . Gaines mjgaines @ njsacop . org
Programs & Publications Manager Jennifer Conover jconover @ njsacop . org
Director of Public Affairs Chief Christopher Wagner , Ret . cwagner @ njsacop . org
Command and Leadership Program Manager Paul Sorrentino psorrentino @ njsacop . org
Accreditation Program Director Harry J . Delgado hdelgado @ njsacop . org
NJ DHTS Law Enforcement Liaison Chief Michael Morris , Ret . mmorris @ njsacop . org
NHTSA Law Enforcement Liaison Chief Ray Davis , Ret . rdavis @ njsacop . org