The Next Level Issue 2021 Issue 1 Volume 2 | Page 20


The world is your oyster - you can do anything and be anyone you want to be .

GM : We are excited to have you back Aurra , it ’ s been a while , you have been up to a lot since we last spoke . Working for ZiFM- digital , taking the Aurra Nicole group public and now Afri-digital . Catch us up on what you have been up to .
Thank you for reaching out ! It ’ s been a roller coaster ride since 2018 to be honest . After taking leave of my position as Head of the Business Channel at Zimpapers TV Network , ZTN , in April 2018 , May was quick to bring a new challenge to my table . I was part of the founding team of the Business Times , AB Communication ’ s weekly financial paper . My role was
Online Editor , a challenging position but I was well mentored by the paper ’ s former Editor , Happiness Zengeni . I served as Online Editor for 6 months before being promoted to the Group Digital and Content Specialist where I served until August 2019 . During that period , I was mentored by Group CEO , Mrs . Susan Makore , who created an incredible platform for me to build AfriDigital which was incubated by ZiFM and quickly became a profitable business . In August I set off to build the brand which evolved to become the Africa Is Digital International Summit ; a platform for thought leaders from Africa and the rest of the world to discuss the inevitable evolution of
Africa into a digital-driven society , economy and culture . Then in January 2020 I was given an opportunity to pursue my passion in education .
GM : Congratulations on the new post of School Principal . What a roller coaster this year has been already . Did you see this coming at all as you mapped out the future ?
Thank you so much ! Those closest to me know that I have wanted to start , or , run a school since I was in my early 20s . Teaching has always been an ‘ underground ’ passion of mine and my first intentional pursuit to this end was the Little Entrepreneurs program I started in 2017 . So , when I was appointed School Principal of St . Anne ’ s school by Ms . Laura Bandah , I felt like I was being pulled into my purpose and grabbed the chance with both hands ! It has also been an excellent platform to engage AfriDigital ’ s existing network to help ‘ digitize and modernize ’ the legacy