The Next Level Issue 2021 Issue 1 Volume 2 | Page 12

GM : We understand that you are passionate about travel and good causes , walk us through the visits you have done across the nation particularly the one you did at Mushana school . What inspires this passion ?
Traveling is the biggest privilege I have had . When you travel , and interact with others , you learn unimaginable things , it is an education . This goes hand in hand with doing good , or trying your best to make a difference . There is so much to be done , so much need , and amazing people on the ground making it happen , but they always need more support . I work with some amazing causes such as the Restoration Hem Project , The ZHTS , The African Bush Camps foundation . All of these projects are driven by passionate people making a difference in our beautiful Zimbabwe .
GM : Which one of your songs that you have composed or performed best defines your personality ?
Good question ! I ’ ve never asked myself that . I think it ’ s safe to say all of them .. because music is such a personal creation of what is within you , they all show a different part of myself , or a past experience or time , that went on to define who I am today .
GM : On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate your brand ? And why do you choose that rating for yourself ?
That ’ s tough , because rating yourself is a complex process . On one hand , I recently won 4 ZIMA awards – which was a massive achievement for me , as well as having great success with my songs , but on the other hand , there is so much behind the scenes , the work you put in , the things you try , the plans you have that have not yet been released – so it is all progress towards a goal of improvement and growth , and growth doesn ’ t have an end point , so if we are ambitious , do we ever really get to 10 ?
GM : You set the pace for 2020 what projects can we expect from you and where do we expect to see you in the long-term period ?
Many projects ! I have new music on the way , as I prepare for the release of my debut album ( more info to come ) but rest assured , there will be lots of new music in 2020 .
GM : What technical difficulties have you ever experienced on a live performance ?
Gosh , I think I have been pretty lucky – there are occasional issues with sound equipment , but that ’ s normal to come across when you are performing a lot . Once my keyboard wouldn ’ t turn on during a performance , that was funny though – my band is amazing and we just jammed it and had a great time .
GM : What pressures do you face now as your music takes over the continent and your audience grows ?
To keep pushing the work to a better standard – but I put that pressure on myself , and it ’ s something I love to do .