The NewsCastle May 2013 | Page 2


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The result is a state-of-the-art facility that not only meets the requirements of today , but maintains the Port ’ s ability to anticipate , plan and construct a facility to meet the needs of tomorrow , not only for the port , but for people in the area and throughout the nation .
“ It ’ s not just about deeper waters , it ’ s really about reviving the economy in this region and our nation ,” said Rep . Janice Hahn , an early champion of the project .
“ The projects that we do require partnerships and alignment on all levels ; we need people all working together to make it work ,” said Toy . “ In the District , we have a motto , ‘ Building Strong and Taking Care of People .’ We use that motto , because we want people to know that every project we do , every permit we issue , has--at its heart--the idea that we are taking care of people .”
Dr . Geraldine Knatz , the executive director of the Port of Los Angeles , also spoke of the importance of deepening the channel .
“ Size matters , and a port is defined
by the depth of its channel ,” Knatz said . “ There are a lot of ports around the country trying to get to 45 or 50 feet , but this effort at 53 feet is a testament to our ongoing commitment to be the nation ’ s premier gateway to international trade .”
The project deepened the main channel from 45 feet to 53 feet and will improve the efficiency of operations and reduce the costs for transporting goods to and through the region . The contractor , Manson Construction Company of Long Beach , dredged about 12 million cubic yards of material , placing it at several sites within the harbor to support shallow water habitat and to expand piers and dock space .
“ This isn ’ t a project that belongs just to the City or just to the Corps--it belongs to the world , as it increases efficiency in the movement of goods around the globe ,” said David Van Dorpe , the deputy district engineer for programs and project management for the Corps ’ Los Angeles District . “ Strong partnerships are key to the success of any project . From the City and the Port to our contractor , Mason , and our political
officials , the deepening project was successful because of the commitment by all the partners to see it through .”
“ Deepening the channels has not been an easy task ,” Toy said . “ Over the course of the project , people have come and gone . Funds have been appropriated , and sometimes not . Agencies have responded to changes in regulations and responsibilities . But through teamwork and effort , we have met the demand : to enable the Port of Los Angeles to continue to lead the maritime industry into the 21st Century and beyond .”
Toy told those attending the ribbon cutting ceremony that the number of jobs , the money that will flow into , through , and because of the port , and the volume of goods that will arrive and be distributed through the port are important numbers .
“ But the true worth of the project we are dedicating today is the benefits it will provide for people . Directly or indirectly , locally or nationally , immediately or in the future , the work we recognize today will benefit the lives of many people ,” Toy said .
Dear District Teammates :
Last week , I attended the South Pacific Division ’ s change of command , where Brigadier General Michael Wehr transferred command to Colonel Andrew Nelson . It was a wonderful ceremony and I was honored to attend on SPL ’ s behalf . We wish Brig . Gen . Wehr well on his deployment to Afghanistan and know that we are in good hands with Col . Nelson .
We are nearing the summer months and if you ’ re like me , you ’ re probably looking forward to enjoying a muchdeserved extended weekend to observe Memorial Day at the end of the month . I look forward to barbecuing , catching some rays at the beach , and most of all , spending time with my family . I also look forward to what lies ahead for the district in terms of our mission .
I ’ m sure you ’ re all aware of what ’ s been happening with the President ’ s budget . The budget for fiscal year 2014 includes more than $ 79 million in federal funds for studies , construction and the operation and maintenance of civil works projects in this district . Although next year ’ s budget is frugal and reflects the priorities of a nation in the midst of a difficult economic climate , it recognizes the importance of Southern California navigation , flood risk reduction infrastructure and environmental restoration .
More specifically , the budget includes $ 200,000 for a reconnaissance study for Salton Sea restoration and $ 400,000 and $ 800,000 , respectively , for feasibility studies for Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration and for the California Coastal Sediment Master Plan . It also proposes $ 42 million for continued flood risk reduction construction along the Santa Ana River Mainstem , as well as nearly $ 36 million for the operation and maintenance of navigation and flood risk reduction projects .
In Arizona , we recently awarded a contract for more than $ 475,000 to redesign a concrete I-Girder bridge in Nogales . The redesign will greatly reduce the overall cost of the project
and allow us to award a construction contract for the bridge by the end of this fiscal year . The design we ’ re going for is significantly different than previous designs because we will see far less in-channel disturbance to construct the bridge structure .
Regarding operations and maintenance , the budget provides about $ 18.5 million for flood risk reduction projects at the Los Angeles County Drainage Area , Mohave River Dam and Santa Ana River Basin in California ; at Alamo Lake , Painted Rock Dam and Whitlow Ranch Dam in Arizona ; and at Pine and Mathews Canyons Lake in Nevada .
The budget also proposes a little more than $ 17 million for navigation projects including project condition surveys and navigational dredging projects at Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors , Morro Bay , Oceanside Harbor , Santa Barbara Harbor and Ventura Harbor .
In our two other business lanes , Military and Interagency & International Support , great work continues at our military installations and in our Veteran ’ s Affairs program . We hope to be underway soon constructing the new military hospital at Fort Irwin and we continue to provide outstanding renovated facilities for our veterans at our hospitals in Long Beach , West Los Angeles , Loma Linda , and San Diego .
To handle this incredible workload , I am proud to have all of you on the district team . Without question , the PEOPLE in our organization remain our greatest asset ; without you , we could not accomplish our mission . I remain commited to the “ people initiativies ” that we started back in 2010 . With a focus on PEOPLE , TRAINING , and FACILITIES , we will continue BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People !
Warm Regards ,
Col . R . Mark Toy
District Commander : Col . R . Mark Toy Public Affairs Officer : Jay Field Editor : David A . Salazar
Staff : Daniel J . Calderón , Greg Fuderer , Brooks O . Hubbard IV , Beverly Patterson , Kristen Skopeck and Mario Zepeda
Tel : ( 213 ) 452-3922 or Fax : ( 213 ) 452-4209 .
The NewsCastle is published monthly under the provisions of AR 360- 1 for the employees and extended Engineer Family of the Los Angeles District , USACE .
Views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the District or of the Department of Defense .
Address mail to the Los Angeles District Public Affairs Office , ATTN : NewsCastle Editor P . O . Box 532711 , Los Angeles , CA 90017-2325
E-mail the Public Affairs staff at : publicaffairs . SPL @ usace . army . mil
Graphic by David A . Salazar
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