Colonel Turner assumes command of South Pacific Division
South Pacific Division Public Affairs
SAN FRANCISCO--Col. C. David Turner accepted Command of the South Pacific Division from the Chief of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lt. Gen. Tom Bostick, during a ceremony June 19 at the Bay Model Visitor Center in Sausalito, Calif., Turner assumed command from Col. Andrew Nelson, who will resume duties as the division deputy commander. Turner previously served as the Chief of Staff, Headquarters, USACE, since February 2013. After passing the Corps of Engineers flag, symbolizing the change of command, Turner emphasized his desire to visit each area of the division. “I look forward to working with the command team, the members of this important South Pacific Division and look forward to getting out to the districts; learning and listening about your mission,” Turner said. Turner stressed the importance of sustaining existing partnerships and developing new ones across the spectrum of stakeholders in the division’s area. “To our partners, I will listen to you. What you have to say is very important,” said Turner. “I look forward to forging new chapters in this great division’s lineage.” Bostick commented on the quality of leadership he has seen this year within South Pacific Division. “It may seem like a short time, but a lot has happened in these months, and Colonel Nelson and the team here have carried a heavy load in terms of execution,” Bostick said. According to the Bostick, the incoming commander is a people person who takes command of the South Pacific Division after being in the middle of a lot of tough assignments. “He comes to the division with a tremendous wealth of experience,” said Bostick. “So we are very fortunate to have him here.”
Corps, partners move forward with watershed-based budgeting
Greg Fuderer
LOS ANGELES – “When I went through my pre-command course, Secretary Darcy told us that watershed-based budgeting was the future of where the Corps wanted to go, what it wanted to do,” said District Commander Col. Mark Toy at a workshop June 27 at the district’s headquarters in downtown Los Angeles. “I’m very excited that watershed-based budgeting has started right here,” he added. “It’s a revolutionary change in the way the Corps does business, and it’s happening now. This train is going to go, no matter what. We’re talking about more than one business line here.” What the nearly three dozen participants (from a variety of federal, state, county and city agencies) at the Santa Ana River Watershed-Budget Pilot Year 2 Workshop were talking about is a change in project management philosophy, one in which the district and its Santa Ana River Mainstem partners are playing a leading role. Last year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers selected a proposal from the Mainstem group as its model for watershed-based project planning, a significant and critical step in securing funds for future water resources projects. For the Corps, the goal is to maximize “value to the nation,” where projects provide significant benefits to economic growth, the environment and the social well-being of the nation. The Santa Ana River drains a 2,650 square mile basin along its 96-mile course that runs from the San Bernardino Mountains past Redlands, Riverside, Corona and Anaheim before meeting the Pacific Ocean at Huntington Beach. The Santa Ana River Mainstem project is a collection of fl ???\???YX?[???X???]??YH[??\??Y[?[??X?[?[??\??][?Y????[???^\?[???]\????\??][?[??\H???[??????YX\?\?K?H?YY??H??X?\???H[?H]HNL???[?????]?\?]Y?????Y?[??Z[?^\?[??H?]?\?[??[Z[?]Y[?H????X?[???Y?[H?\??]?YH???K?]?[?[??Y?Y[Y[?X??]???\???[??[?]Y\?[[??Y?[??Y\?\?]?\??H\????????[??]\????\??][?\??X??][]Y\?Y?[??Y\?[?X[?Y?[Y[?Y?[??Y\?\?Y?[?Y?Y??[][?]Y\?[?X?X?????\\?Y[??\???[?X\?H\????X?[????H???[XY?H[?[??\?[??H?[XX?[]H??]\??\K??X?[???\?\???\??\?][??[???Y[??[??\??Y[?[?]?\??\YY][????X???Y[\?[???X?[??\?Y?[?Y?Y??[][?]Y\???^[\K?[??HY??X?[[?][Y\????YX??H??[?Y??X?[?]??[\???X?K?8?'????????X??Y?[YH???[??X??[??X?H?\??O??'H\??Y?H???^KH??????[HX[?Y?\???H????&H??]X?Y?X?]?\?[??8?'?]?[YH?[???Y[?H[?x?&\???X???YH?Z[?H???\???&O??]\?HH[??Y?\??]8?&\?[\?[??????'B??[\??[Y[????Y?[H?]]????[??[??[\?H?H?HX[?H??X??[?H?[?H[?H?]?\??]\??Y]]?H?\?[Y???HH???[?]YY??????Y\?[?]H[???[Y?[??Y\?[???]?]?]H??[?^?][??[?HX?X?