The NewsCastle December 2013 | Page 14

FINAL WORD Is it the most wonderful time of the year? Daniel J. Calderón It’s a bright season, isn’t it? It’s supposed to be the season of silver bells, tinsel and sparkling trees lighting up stores and homes around the country. Thanksgiving has come and gone and now is the right time for Christmas decorations to go up around the country. Carols and assorted Christmas tunes should be playing on radio stations while friends and family should be looking forward to merry get togethers and overindulgence in food from binges that most of us are going to regret the week after they happen. But, what about the shadows? What about the darkness at the edge of the light? I think too many people are afraid of the darkness, especially at this time of year. Too many bright lights. Too many twinkling, tinkling pinpoints of brightness piercing the night and trying to force away the dark. But, it’s still there. Why can’t people acknowledge it? Is it because they think they’re supposed to be absolutely and completely bright and gay (Yes, I know what it means and I think the people at Hallmark who decided to change the quote on their sweater ornament to “Don we now our fun apparel” are complete idiots) during the holiday season? Where is that written? Instead of being afraid of the dark in our lives, it seems more sensible to embrace it. After all, there can be no shadows without light and the sharper shadows seem to be cast by the brightest lights. I think people who do experience the darkness at this time of year feel they are somehow wrong to do so. They are often told by their well-meaning friends that this is the best time of year and they should be happy. After all, there’s so much light and so many apparently happy people. Why should 14 NewsCastle they feel so depressed or upset or alone? Why should they wallow in the dark when there is so much light everywhere? Why should they be depressed when there is so much joy and love in the air? Because they do. That’s really the only answer that makes sense to me. People feel the way they do because of what is going on in their lives. If there is difficulty, it really doesn’t make a difference if it’s Christmas Day, May Day or if it’s June 3. They’re going to react to the difficulty. If there is a darkness hanging over them, then it really doesn’t help to tell them that they should be happy because Christmas is just around the corner. Masking feelings isn’t a really helpful way to deal with them. I think it’s worse for people if you tell them to cheer up because it’s Christmas. To me, that’s like trying to guilt them into pretending to feel good. I know it’s awkward to have someone at a get together who is bummed out. I get that. But, trying to force the issue doesn’t really help anything. It’s like gilding a pimple. The junk is still under there and it’s probably getting worse because it can’t openly heal as it’s meant to under the façade. If someone you know is feeling like they are in the dark during this holiday season, then you can step in and gift them some of your light. If they can use it, great. Hopefully, it will help bring them out of their funk. If they cannot, then you have to accept that as well. A gift of light, like any other gift you give, is freely given with no expectations of use, compensation or appreciation. It’s hard, I know, to see someone take your gift and toss it aside. But, if your gift is given in the proper spirit, then you have to let it go. If that person is someone you care about, a friend or a relative or even an acquaintance with whom you have a good tie with, they will remember that gesture. When the fog does eventually clear, they will recall your effort to help them. If the haze of whatever depression they are in doesn’t dissipate, then, you will need to decide if the proper course of action is to continue trying to brighten their spirits or if professional help is needed. The only surety I can offer is if that person signals an intent to do harm either to him or herself or to others, then it is time to bring in professional assistance. Barring that, the best you can offer is an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. I have found that most people don’t want advice or direction right away. They want someone who can listen sympathetically, someone who can nod and be a part of their thoughts for a while and someone who knows the value and healing abilities of silence. For most, this is indeed the time of year when light finally triumphs and the warm feelings of friends and family dissipate the iciest grips of whatever has been bedeviling them throughout the year. For most, the woes of the world vanish in the embrace of holiday cheer, be it from Christmas, Hanukah, Yule or whatever other festivity takes them. To these people, I wish you all the best of the season. May your family and friends be welcoming. May your food be warm, tasty and plentiful. May your home be strong. May your holiday be filled with more joy than you ever thought possible. For those who are in the throes of crisis and cares, I offer my ear with which to listen. I offer my shoulder on which to lean. 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