The NewsCastle August 2013 | Page 14

— Q&A, from Page 5 — ­ of times since, and I’ve seen the landscaping bloom, and blossom, and grow, and the view of the City of Los Angeles, and the ocean, and the Santa Monica Mountains from the different areas, and patios and rooftops at the Getty Center is just amazing. You get a good appreciation for where Los Angeles sits and get to soak it up from one spot. What is a goal you still have for yourself? I say this, and I’ll put it out there, and I hope I can do it, but one day I’d like to do a triathlon. I’m not a super strong swimmer. It is something I need to work on. I have a bike, but I don’t use it very much. For the majority of my younger years, I’ve run, and I’ve taken it for granted that I can run. But, as I get older, it gets harder, and I know I need to do more cross-training type activities. A triathlon would be challenging for me to do. It is a goal. Maybe find a small one or a mini triathlon and give it a shot. It is on my list. I’m hoping that while I’m here in Southern California that I’ll be able to take advantage of the great weather, water and areas to bike and find a triathlon and actually do it.` Who is somebody that you really admire? Someone I professionally admire, who I know a lot of people here in the Los Angeles District know is General Van Antwerp. He was a former Los Angeles District Commander, but a few years ago he was our Chief of Engineers. As a Lieutenant Colonel District Commander in Albuquerque and watching him work really inspired me. He was a people person. He would engage people, and he was very approachable. He did not make you feel like you couldn’t ask him a question. He had a way of leading that made you want to follow. He made you want to give 110 percent. He really inspired me to want to do more and be great, make my organization great, and not just good. I appreciate the time he spent with all of us and the energy he put into the organization while he was the Chief of Engineers. What are you afraid of? I do not like being underwater or in deep water. Last time I was stationed here in California, I got my husband and I, for Christmas, a package to go and become underwater dive certified, to confront my fear of going underwater. It is still a point of tension with us, because when we did it, I wanted to make sure he was looking at me the whole time while we were underwater, and he wanted to look at the giant kelp and orange fish, but it was a really good thing to do to overcome that fear. And, I became more confident in the equipment we were given. I’m not completely over it. I certainly wouldn’t be doing any night dives any time soon. I think what I’m afraid of on a daily basis is missing something. Sometimes we get so busy during the day…go, go, go… and I really need to tell myself to make sure to stop and talk to people. Tell my son and my husband that I love them. Call friends when I know they need a call. Talk to a person when I know they need advice. We do get so busy, but one of my biggest fears is that I’m going to miss an opportunity to talk to someone when they need me, or I get so busy that I miss an opportunity to say something that I needed to say or be afraid to say. So, hopefully I’ll have the courage to do that, and have the wisdom to know when to stop and say “that can wait, but this is important and I need to talk to this person or spend some time on this issue.” What is your favorite movie and pastime? My favorite movie, and I’ve said this for many years, and I made my high school girl friend go and watch it with me more times that we can recall, but Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is my favorite movie. And, to paraphrase a quote from that movie, I remember “if you don’t stop and look around every once in awhile, you are going to miss something.” That has really stuck with me. For music, I love all different kinds, but it has changed as I have lived across the county, but my default that I enjoy is folksy music. I like the Indigo Girls, but what I listen to on the radio regularly happens to be NPR. It seems like I’m already into the routine here driving to work, and we do a lot of driving in Los Angeles, but on NPR you get a little bit of music, a little bit of local, national, and international news, and what I really enjoy are the vignettes about people. There is always a little side story about someone in some town somewhere, and those are great stories. It is like reading a good book. I can get lost in stories they capture. of directions, but the team is moving whatever mission it is forward. I like to empower people. I like to be part of the team. As a leader, I like to be engaged and part of the process and part of shaping the future but in a team effort. What is really important to you? Family and friends are very important to me. That Col. Colloton and her husband, Michael, prepare to participate in a is the source of where Christmas race. Stanley is two months old. I get my strength. My encouragement What is a trait you developed beis from both family and friends, and I cause of your parents? have some amazing friends and family I think from both my mother and members. They give me the support my father I learned hard work. Hard I need when I am struggling with a work pays off, and you are not entitled challenging or complex issue. They give to anything. We are lucky to have the encouragement ?\H????Y][????H]?K?[?]??Y\??][??]H??&][??H?[??[?H????]]?\?]\?[?H?X[H?YY?[??\?][???[???]H??&]]?H?????] ?[? ?]]?\?[?H\?H?H???Y[??H??H?YY]]H[????][?[?\?X\? ?Y?[?H\?H\?]??Y\????H]???H??\??[????] [?]\????[??]\??[?H??\?H?\?H[\?[??YK????[???[ ?H[??]\??X??H?\?Z\?Y?X?K[?H?[YH[H?]YK?Y?x?&[H??[??????Y][???\?H]X? ?x?&[H??[??????\?]] ????[??\ H?]?[H?]]?\?H^K?^H?[?H]?H[?H?[?[?Y?????[?H??[???????)?^H[?Hx?&[H?\??X[H\H??H\?H[????Y?[??H?\?H??[??????? [??H]\??[???Y????? 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