The NewsCastle August 2013 | Page 10

August is the time for observances, apparently Steve McCombs Every once in awhile I have to take off my safety hat and just goof around a bit. Not by doing something unsafe mind you, but just letting my brain horse around with the keyboard. And since it’s my birthday this month I figured I would treat myself to some frivolity. My good friend and colleague, Mike Cogan, suggested to me recently that I should have a website called “Steve’s Peeves” – I apparently voice a number of them on a frequent basis. Seemingly trivial things like the word, “texted” and people who use the word “like” at least twice in every sentence rate high on my peeve list. You might also find me growling at the television when, after the commercials have ended and the show starts back up, the network throws those damnable pop-ups at the bottom of the screen for the next 30 seconds. Come on already? You only ran 4-5 minutes of the show I was watching, then 9 minutes of regular commercials. Now you have to continue to interrupt MORE of the entertainment? Arrggghh!! Thank heavens for the DVR ... at least I can fast forward. And I really hate it when I am checking out at the store and someone walks up and interrupts the checker in the middle of my transaction. “Excuse me? Is my doing business at this establishment interrupting your inability to wait your turn?” But back to silly; I have a question for the audience. Why do we have so many months named for this, that and the other thing? Here are just a few from only one website. Someone took the time and effort to name August as follows: • Admit You’re Happy Month • Family Fun Month • National Catfish Month • National Eye Exam Month • National Golf Month • Peach Month • Romance Awareness Month • Water Quality Month • National Picnic Month I suppose that during this month I shall have to take a family picnic near an SAFETY A pain-free back key to maintaining fitness Cecilia Ordonez Back pain can strike anyone at any time. The lower back is one of the most complicated because it serves as a hub for nerves traveling from the upper body to the legs. There are multiple reasons one can have back pain, however, one main culprit is a tight hamstring. A short or stiff hamstring can occur from something as easy as prolonged sitting, which most of us do all day. We sit in front of our desk for 8-10 hours, we commute for another 1-3 hours, and go home and sit while we eat and/or watch television. Most cases of back pain are connected to poor posture and/ or poor flexibility, in other words, most cases are preventable. The hamstring is a group of three separate muscles located at the back of your thigh. The origin of these muscles is in your pelvis, specifically at the location of the bones you feel when you BUILDING WELLNESS Enough with all the August observances, already! (File photo) EPA-approved and very romantic lake that has catfish after my eye exam and a round of golf while eating a peach? And I’ll be “happy” about it too? Oh, joy. Not really – the same website said the day of my birth is named “Senior Citizens Day.” Although I am a very proud grandfather, I keep tossing those AARP cards I get in the mail into the recycle bin. As Waylon Jennings sings, “well I may be used, but baby I ain’t used up!” I haven’t even begun a bucket list yet! Guess I will just have to start one. How about beginning with, “getting annoyed less often?” Good call, Mr. Cogan! As always, drive safe, drive sober and buckle up!! Safety Steve Tight hamstrings can have negative long-term effects on posture and can cause pain, possibly derailing fitness efforts. (File photo) 10 NewsCastle sit on a hard surface (i.e. ischial tuberosity). Its function is to flex the knee ??[?[?^[?H\ ??[?\?H]\??\?\?HY? ^H[?H[???X?[?\??[?H[?\????H]???X[??][?[??H[Y?K?\?Z\?[Y?Y[?\?[?\????Z[??H]\??KY?[Y[??[?[???[?H??\??X?? ?YHX?\?JK?H?]??[\HZ[H??]?\??[?[??[?[????[?H[\??[????X]HH[?H?ZY[?[Y[?[?Z?HH??\????H??\??X??X??[?H?H????[????]?\?]\???Y??X?H??[?H??X?X?K?]??[?H?H?]?]??[??[??[?[??XY[?H??[???\???[??H??Y??X?H??]???X\? ? M??X????? ?L? ?^K?X\?H??KH????[?????Y\?\?\?H????H?HY?[?\????X??\?[?[?X?]HZ[??[??[[X]?H?Y?K????X]Y[\??[????]??]?HY?H?H?Z\????][?Y[??H????][?\??Y\???ZY? ??Y\[??[?\??X????ZY? ???H?XX?[?\??????\??[?\?Y??[?? ???X]K????\??[?Z]\??[?[???][?\?Y????]\???][???H?]?\??X?H?][?\??Y\???ZY? ???H?[?]H\?\?[?H???H?XX?[?\??????\??[?\?Y??[?? ???X]K???H???[??]?YH?H?]?\??X?H?]??Y???[H^[?Y ?X?H?H???[?H?[?\??H??H???[ ??Y\[??[?\?Y???ZY? \?H[?\?\?\????[??[?\?Y???\??[?\?????H?[?[?H?Y[H]\??H??]?[??[?? ???X]K?X\?? ? L??LB??