The News Digger | Page 3

Paris Smith is a TV actor, she played in ''Every

Witch Way'' Maddie Van Pelt she is also an

accomplished singer songwriter and dancer.

She is 16 years old she was born in Houston.

February 1,2000. Paris become famous by that she has videos at YouTube and people discovered her talent.

Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer Nicolaus, a Polish mathematician and economist. He born in 19 February 1473 and die in 24 May 1543. He developed the heliocentric (according to which the planets revolve around the sun), in sufficient detail to make it scientifically useful. His theory about its location of the sun in the center of the solar system, unlike the geocentric model (where the Earth's center) predominated until then, considered one of the most important discoveries in history, and is the fundamental starting point of modern astronomy and modern science in general, and we can say that it has opened the scientific revolution . His theory also affected many other areas of human life.

By: Michal Vaninsky / 7th grade

By: Itay Sherf / 7th grade