The New Wine Press vol 26 no 2 October 2017 | Page 14

Sacred Committment, continued from page 10 garden is but a manifestation of that love of life. In a world where we have disposable everything, the sacred commitment of Fr. Denny, Sr. Donna, and Sr. Carolyn convey the certainty and the consistency of God’s love for his people—all people. At the core of our work is witnessing to the love of God. That love comes alive in how Fr. Denny, Sr. Donna, and Sr. Carolyn live their lives. Working with young men and women who have been traumatized through neglect, abandonment and violence has its challenges. Their ability to trust is damaged; they often live for the moment. To many it is about survival at all costs. The daily presence of people who care—not just about what you can do or what you might have, but care for you as a human be- ing—is the only means of breaking through to a child who has learned well not to trust anybody. None of this is easy, nor is it quickly done. You have to be in it for the long haul. It takes men and women who are willing to live their lives in such a way that love becomes more than a word or senti- ment—it becomes a life lived. Ultimately, you must believe in the power of love—that it has the power to transform even the most troubled and pained soul.  This Is Us, continued from page 9 is admitting our own biases and our participation in systems that, in many cases, are discriminatory in practice and/or outcomes. As people of the Precious Blood we are called to be with people who are suffering. This takes many forms, and our ministries offer each of us the oppor- tunity to stand with people who have been hurt by racism in our society. At Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation in Chicago we are standing with those who bear the lasting mark of racism that has, at least in part, fed into the violence and poverty present in that community. Finally, we have a duty to stand in the breach and listen. We have to be willing to promote dialogue. Our listening needs to be done with love and care: standing in the breach, promoting dialogue and understand- ing—but at the same time standing with the truth that human beings have a fundamental dignity that needs to be respected, upheld, and promoted in all that we do. When we stand with people whose voices are not heard we have a responsibility to amplify their voices and to speak out against laws, policies, structures, and traditions that are discriminatory.  Following the Mystics Through the Narrow Gate ...Seeing God in All Things A Weekend Retreat October 20, 6:00 PM through October 22, 2:30 PM Companion, Kathy Keary, will facilitate a weekend centered on the DVD series, Following the Mystics Through the Narrow Gate featuring James Finley, a renowned retreat leader, Merton scholar, and master of the contemplative life. Finley will open our hearts to the Divine Mystery that surrounds us. The weekend will be filled with silent reflection, faith sharing, prayer, walking our labyrinth, and enjoying our beautiful grounds and hospitality. Fr. Garry Richmeier, C.PP.S. and Kathy will be available for individual spiritual direction. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Garry. Suggested Offering Includes Meals $195.00 for single occupancy $165.00 for double occupancy $125.00 for commuters Scholarship Funds Available Register by October 18th at [email protected] or 816.415.3745 2130 St. Gaspar Way Liberty, MO 64068 12 • The New Wine Press • October 2017