The New Wine Press vol 26 no 2 October 2017 | Page 12
PBMR: the New Creation
Sacred Commitment
by Fr. Dave Kelly, c.pp.s., Director of pbmr
Excuse me if I have told this story before, but I
think it is worth repeating.
We have a flourishing, traffic stopping, community
garden that interrupts the abandoned, empty and
boarded up theme that surrounds pbmr. On one side
of the building is the peace garden with flowers and
an outdoor grill, labyrinth, and basketball court. On
the other side is a vegetable garden that is on the tour
of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s community
garden tour.
In regard to the garden area, my job is simple:
mow the grass and not the flowers. I am fair at it. I
enjoy it. The sound of the mower insolates me for a
moment from cell phone and doorbell—even though
when someone waves to get my attention for some
need, there are times that I wave back as though it
were a merely a kind gesture or friendly hello and I
keep on mowing.
The youth work in the garden, watering, weeding,
and just the overall work that is needed to keep the
garden producing “good fruit.” Last year in the heat
10 • The New Wine Press • October 2017
of the summer, one of the youth who worked in the
garden was sitting upstairs in the kitchen area drink-
ing some juice or water. I happened to walk by and
asked Marques why he was sitting there and was not
outside where I knew Sr. Carolyn was working (straw
hat and all). Marques explained that he was taking a
break. Innocently, I said “Marques, you should take a
break when Sr. Carolyn takes a break.” With a pained
look and in all sincerity, he exclaimed, “She don’t take
no breaks!” I laughed and had to admit that he was
right. I left him in peace.
I believe in the old adage attributed to St. Francis,
“Preach the gospel always and, if necessary, use words.”
The commitment of Sr. Carolyn, Sr. Donna, and Fr.
Denny speaks volumes to the sacredness of all life.
This year, here at pbmr, we celebrate the 50th an-
niversary of Fr. Denny’s priesthood ordination and
the 60th anniversary of Sr. Donna’s solemn profession.
Their commitment and the love they have for the fam-
ilies and youth—unconditional, no-strings-attached
love—is the very essence of the Gospel message. The
continued on page 12