The New Wine Press vol 25 no 9 May 2017 | Page 8

Peter Tam Hoang, c.pp.s. with Fr. Nhan Bui, c.pp.s. after Mass in Saigon, Vietnam, 2016 Chosen by Br. Daryl Charron, c.pp.s., Vietnam Mission Director, Saigon "It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you" (John 15:16). These are the words from scripture that Peter Tam Hoang has chosen to reflect on, much like a mantra, as he approaches the date of his ordination on June 8th. He will carry these words with him and will ponder the meaning as he goes on his weeklong retreat in preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders. During his retreat he will have an opportu- nity to reflect on his faith journey thus far experi- enced in his life. Tam remembers his humble beginnings of be- ing raised Catholic in the Highlands of Vietnam. He is grateful for his parents, Truong Hoang and Mai Nguyen, and his godfather Francis Xavier Hao Nguyen, who had him baptized at Vinh An Church 6 • The New Wine Press • May 2017 in Dak Nong Province on March 10, 1972. He con- firmed his Catholic faith in the same church in 1987. The Sacrament of Confirmation did not come to him as easily as baptism. He remembers the government exercising its control and denying his confirmation. Five years later he was finally able to be confirmed. Hurtful memories still haunt him as he remem- bers the days when the government controlled the churches and decided when Eucharist could be cel- ebrated. Nevertheless, he persevered in faith. Contemplating those early years reinforces the importance of sacraments in Tam's life. He shared that his favorite class in theology school was Sacraments. Pastoral care and preaching classes were also inspirational for him on his road towards priesthood. Matrimony is also a sacrament that he holds sacred. Tam already sees the need in Vietnam for marriage counseling and feels called to pursue