The New Wine Press vol 25 no 5 January 2017 | Page 12

Precious Blood Companions

Goals for a New Year by Vicky Otto , Companions Co-director

January and the New Year often get a bad rap . We hear often about New Year ’ s resolutions and how unsuccessful people are regarding keeping those resolutions . As I reflect upon goals and resolutions for the New Year I prefer what journalist Ellen Goodman wrote about resolutions and goals for the New Year : “ We spend January first walking through our lives , room by room , drawing up a list of work to be done , cracks to be patched . Maybe this year , to balance the list , we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives … not looking for flaws , but for potential .”
Each year the Companions Council establishes new goals for the upcoming year . The Council would concur with Goodman ’ s suggestion when they look at goals . They don ’ t just reflect on what hasn ’ t happened . They also pray and discern where the Holy Spirit is leading the Companion Movement as they look to the future and how best to serve Companions . In order to
bring to life Gather , Send the Council has established five major goals :
• Improve communications within the Companions Movement as well as the Precious Blood community .
• Explore and determine the best ways to reach out to younger people and to those of different cultural traditions .
• Explore the best ways for Companions to share their spirituality with the world .
• Foster and strengthen relationships between Companions and the Community .
• Develop administrative policies and procedures to meet the future needs of the Companions Movement .
The Companions Council concurs with Fr . John Wolf and myself that visiting all the groups in the provinces is extremely beneficial . We look forward to seeing everyone again over the next year . Another goal for the next year will be to develop new materials for Companions to use when they want to share continued on page 12
10 • The New Wine Press • January 2017