The New Wine Press September 2018 | Page 11

Dewayne Brown-Courage It means a lot to be a father. My children mean the world to me and I only want the best for them. I feel the first word that comes to me with a father is cour- age, because you always have to have it. the importance of a father’s LOVE. I am now a father of a handsome little boy and refuse to let my son grow up without the LOVE of both parents. I feel in our communities we don’t express our love to one another enough, so I make it my #1 priority to tell him every day, “I LOVE YOU!”  Jonathan Little and son Shawn Reed and daughter Shawn Reed-Responsibility To be a father in the neighborhood is a big respon- sibility because the neighborhood I come from does not have many resources to help us for fatherhood. Being a father means a lot, because my mother raised me and eight other siblings alone. I never had a father figure, so once I had my daughter, I had to teach my- self how to be the best father. John Jones and daughter John Jones-Role Model Being a father means spending time to love and guide my daughter to be independent. Fatherhood means bonding and growing close to my daughter and having as much fun as possible with her. Jonathan Little-LOVE LOVE is the foundation of who I am as a father. I grew up without a father in my life and never knew Fischer, continued from page 7 than structures, which often tend to confine and limit our vision. I hope that over the next months we will have the opportunity through one-on-one messages, conver- sations, and personal encounters, to begin breaking down the barriers that may separate us and to start building that “new creation.” As we share our own sto- ries and experiences, my prayer is that we all begin to consider ourselves “missionaries without borders.”  September 2018 • The New Wine Press • 9