Good Samaritan Center in Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Hope for Homeless: Good Samaritan Center
by Denise Murrow, pbrs Director and Martha Buckman, Good Samaritan Center Director
As my journey continues with the ministry of
Precious Blood Resource Services (pbrs), I realize
how important it is for social service agencies to
work side by side with each other to ensure that
those in need receive optimal services to lead them
to independence and don’t fall through the cracks.
I reflect on Matthew 18:20: “For where two or
three are gathered in my name, there am I among
them.” I firmly believe collaboration works and
territorialism is an attitude of the past. During
my extensive networking with many agencies that
provide a multitude of services, I have witnessed
dedication to the poor and homeless through
admirable collaborative efforts. These agencies not
only provide services, but also provide heart and
compassion to go with it. One of the agencies pbrs
has been blessed to collaborate with is the Good
Samaritan Center.
The Good Samaritan Center is located in
Excelsior Springs in rural Clay and Ray counties,
30 miles northeast of Kansas City, Missouri. My
first experience with Good Samaritan Center was
four years ago when I was an abuse and neglect
investigator with the Missouri Division of Senior and
Disability Services. I had received a hotline call from
Excelsior Springs regarding a homeless man who
was missing. As I drove to the call, I wondered how
I was going to find a homeless man and help him
if he didn’t want to be found. My first resource was
Good Samaritan Center. I was aware they provided
advocacy and assistance to those families and
individuals in need.
When I arrived at the center I was greeted by
Jennifer Chappell, a very concerned and compassionate
caseworker. I observed the staff and volunteers to
be dedicated to serving the homeless population,
which had become a growing concern in the area.
Often people don’t realize homelessness exists in rural
communities. Jennifer was genuinely worried about the
missing man. She showed me the facility and the woods
behind the Center where the homeless community
continued on page 12
November 2018 • The New Wine Press • 11