New Creation Commission
It Takes More Than a Village
by Vicky Otto, Companion Director
A few years ago, children’s advocate Marian
Edelman introduced the world to an African prov-
erb in her writings: “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Granted, our new creation is not a child, but the
hopes, dreams, and work needed for the new creation
of the Cincinnati and Kansas City Provinces most
certainly takes the same energy, commitment, and
dedication that raising a child does. In our case, we
may rewrite the proverb and say, “It takes a village
(and the Holy Spirit) to be-
come a new creation.” With our
editorial changes this proverb
is a great way to describe the
work of the recent meeting of
the New Creation Commission
and the Provincial Councils that
was held in March at St. Charles
Center in Carthagena.
This meeting was the first op-
portunity that the Councils and
the Commission had to continue
the envisioning and definition of
the process needed to form the
new creation that members and
companions expressed a hope
for at the end of our meeting in
Techny in September 2017. Fr.
Dave Kalert, o.m.i., former pro-
vincial of the Missionary Oblates
of Mary, was invited to share
the story of how his community
went through a similar process. Everyone present was
struck by the similarities between the two communi-
ties and felt that they benefited from the lessons that
the Oblates learned during the process that they went
through as they looked to restructure and reshape
their community in the United States.
One of the important tasks that he found benefi-
cial for everyone is to continue to ask of each other,
“What do you need? and “How are you doing?” He
also mentioned that there were many opportunities
for the Oblates to discuss their hopes and dreams
as well as their fears throughout the process. As the
councils and the commission continued their time
together, important issues began to be identified for
our community. Everyone around the table agreed that
the new creation must be centered around the com-
munity charism and its pillars of mission, community,
and spirituality. They also agreed that it was a good
opportunity for everyone in the community to recom-
mit themselves to one’s ongoing call to become a new
creation in Christ, and to remember that at our core as
individuals we are all missionaries and our only home
is in the heart of God.
As the commission and the
provincial councils continued
their work through the day
several issues arose that were
addressed. The first was commu-
nication and branding. Everyone
agreed that, as the new creation
evolves, it is important to have a
consistent message throughout
the provinces as well as a com-
monly understood language.
They also agreed that there will
always be a tension between
“creating something new” and
“merging,” and as the leadership
charged with shepherding the
new creation everyone needed
to help manage this tension and
keep everyone focused on “new
Since both Councils are preparing for provincial
assemblies in May and June, all agreed that it will
be critical that the same information and process be
utilized to every extent possible at both assemblies.
They also agreed that the assemblies were a great op-
portunity to engage with those who did not attend the
gathering at Techny—as well as for those who went
to the Techny gathering—to recommit themselves to
the process. As plans were discussed the group agreed
that there needed to be many opportunities for people
to talk to each other, in order to share their stories as
well as their hopes, dreams, and fe ars with the com-
munity. Each Provincial Council agreed to make the
continued on page 7
May 2018 • The New Wine Press • 5