The New Wine Press July 2018 | Page 6

Gospel of Nonviolence: the Way of the Church Presented at 2018 Kansas City Provincial Assembly by Gabino Zavala, Peace & Justice Ministry Director The Conference of Major Superiors of Men (cmsm) passed a resolution in their annual meeting last August challenging us to live Gospel nonviolence. This resolu- tion commits and calls members to “use both our individual charisms and experience as religious lead- ers 1) to build up nonviolent practices and a culture of nonviolence; 2) to invite Pope Francis to offer an encyclical on nonviolence, which would include a shift to a just peace approach to transforming conflict.” The resolution reminds us that “Jesus calls us to love our enemies and be peacemakers (Mt. 5:7).…We need a deeper understanding of Gospel nonviolence to better live out our faith, transform our societies, and ‘build bridges’ as well as cultures of just peace.” As Precious Blood Members, Companions, Volunteers, and Amici, how do we use our charism of renewal and reconciliation to live out, as a community and as individuals, a culture of nonviolence? Since this resolution was passed overwhelm- ingly by cmsm we have seen on-going wars in Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen. Terrorism continues to be an assault on our lives. Shootings have sadly become an al- most daily occurrence in our country. There have been 33 school shootings since August 3, 2017—and we can’t forget the horrendous shooting in Las Vegas. Human trafficking is a worldwide tragedy. We continue to have the death penalty as the law of the land in 35 states. Our prisons are violent warehouses in our broken criminal justice system. Violence against women—sexual, emo- tional and physical—is a daily reality in our society. Our actions and our lifestyle are an assault on our common home not caring for the gift of creation. Violence is not just a result of guns and weapons of war. There is violence in our words and attitudes. I