The New Wine Press July 2018 | Page 11

from God , who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and given us the ministry of reconciliation ” ( 2 Corinthians 5 , 17-18 ).
As missionaries of the Precious Blood and sons and daughters of Gaspar , we have been given the ministry of reconciliation . What will be new is that we will no longer be defined by boundaries or borders but work together in ministries on the margins of the church and edges of society . Members and Companions living together , praying together , and working together in Mission Houses in those places , rural and urban , where there are loud shouts or silent screams for reconciliation .
Maybe it ’ s a Mission House in California that ministers in a parish , with the lgbtq community , with the homeless , or with young people who have been abandoned because of who they are . Or maybe it ’ s a Mission House in Ohio where the elderly become invisible because of age and infirmity . In both places , members and Companions seek to make visible the healing presence of Christ ’ s redeeming blood .
Whether it ’ s a parish in Los Angeles or Columbus or Ottumwa or Sedalia that ministers with immigrants fearing deportation , or a center in Chicago offering a safe place for victims of gang violence , a Renewal Center in Liberty where people come to find peace and deepen their relationship with God , or a Shrine in Ohio that welcomes pilgrims expressing a more devotional spirituality , we seek to reclaim each place as an expression of our ministry of reconciliation .
What ’ s new about this is seeing how this missiondriven New Creation is supported and nourished by our community life where we are bonded in charity — young and old , members and companions , definitively incorporated members and volunteers who give one or two or three years of their lives in the service of this ministry of reconciliation . If we really want to re-imagine our future , we can look at new forms of membership within a Society of Apostolic Life , to an extended temporary incorporation where young men and women or those who are older who are in transition in careers can live and work and minister with us for a few years but not make a permanent commitment .
What is new about this new creation ? As I wrote in The Cup and the New Covenant last year , I believe
“ we are creating a community where three or four Precious Blood people will go to the margins , go where others dare not or cannot go , and establish a presence that will be welcoming as they live in solidarity with those whose hope has worn thin . It will mean that we say goodbye to some parishes and faith communities that have been served by Precious Blood priests and brothers for many years , but in many of these places the spirituality of the blood of Christ will continue to be central to the life of these parishes because of the presence of Companions who will make certain renewal and reconciliation remain hallmarks of parish life .”
We may not be the “ greatest show on earth ,” but I still believe we have the greatest spirituality to renew the face of the earth . As that song from The Greatest Showman proclaims , we make no apologies for giving witness to a spirituality that welcomes misfits , freaks , sinners and outcasts for who we are — each one of us — are made in God ’ s image and “ we are glorious .”
When I listened to that song on the plane coming back from Vietnam , I was deeply moved by the sight of that Bearded Lady , Siamese twins , Tom Thumb and the others singing and dancing defiantly into the crowd of wealthy aristocrats and deep pocket prejudices while also confronting those outside the circus who scorned them because of their appearance . The gospel always addresses this desire of God to enlarge our hearts , so no one is left out of the circle of God ’ s grace . So , this New Creation promotes not a “ three-ring circus ” of priests , brothers , and Companions , but a five or six-ring circus that includes volunteers , Amici , and all who seek to live the spirituality of the blood of Christ under a big tent of God ’ s mercy .
When Jesus appeared to his disciples in that upper room , showed them his wounds and breathed on them , he gave us a new commission : even with our “ broken parts ,” we are to go into the world as ministers of reconciliation . Though we are “ bruised , we are brave ,” and with God ’ s grace and Gaspar ’ s dream guiding us , we embark on this New Creation as we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to renew our community , our church , and , boldly , “ the face of the earth .” �
July 2018 • The New Wine Press • 9