The New Wine Press January 2018 | Page 12

Artwork by Alia Sisson My Year of Miracles by Alia Sisson, Precious Blood Volunteer 2017 was a year of immense and tremendous change for me. It stands as a testament, not to my own strength, but to the power of God to work through broken people. He writes straight with crooked lines. At the beginning of this year, I was underemployed, fighting depression, and feeling directionless. I had lost my spark. Little did I know that one choice would end up changing my entire life for the better. I started go- ing to Mass on a regular basis. For Catholics, this is standard operating procedure. But this was pretty radical for a Presbyterian! Having attended two years of Catholic grade school and three years at the Marianist University of Dayton, I still had never pic- tured myself going to Mass by choice. 10 • The New Wine Press • January 2018 A candlelit midnight Christmas Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral in Columbus, Ohio inspired me to keep coming back. Slowly learning the ancient Mass opened my eyes to the sacredness contained in ev- eryday living. During Lent, I grew more devout and began going to daily Mass and praying the rosary. I also gave up alcohol, which—for someone who adored wine as much as I did—felt like a big sacrifice. As distractions fell away throughout those 40 days, I developed a real relationship with God. By the time Easter arrived, I knew I was ready to convert. As much as I loved attending Mass, I yearned to be in full communion with the church and receive the Eucharist at Christ’s table with my brothers and sisters. Rather than feel like an outsider,