The New Social Worker Vol. 19, No. 4, Fall 2012 | Page 33
must simply hope for the best. We’re
hoping other friends/contacts of people
we message will see our posts and offer
additional peer support.
Social media will be an important
tool in future responses to catastrophic
events. It may even be the safest and
preferred response option for something
like a pandemic or any other event that
involves sheltering in place. Red Cross
anticipates greater use of DDVs, especially DDVs who also can serve as DMH
responders, to help in these areas:
providing mental health support for
both disaster victims and responders;
promoting community resilience;
educating all disaster relief workers
about self care.
Red Cross is partnering with
SAMHSA, APA, and the Disaster
Distress Helpline for this initiative. The
pilot utilized an initial group of about
ten responders and Red Cross is seeking
additional DDVs to expand the program.
Become a DDV
Who is an ideal disaster digital
volunteer? Someone who:
is an experienced user of online
social tools
is an established member of online
is trained on Red Cross social engagement and knowledgeable about
Red Cross services
has good judgment
is extremely empathetic
does not have a profane, political, or
religious filled social presence
is willing to use his/her personal
social presence to act as an official
rep of the American Red Cross
is capable of handling many details
at once.
Because of the time commitment
and technical tools involved in this role,
there are a few requirements that you
must meet before you can get trained
to be a DDV. If you match this profile
and would like to become a Red Cross
volunteer for the DDV team, see: http://
And, in case you are wondering
whether all of this will work in serving
people without power, turns out it does.
Many messages that we responded to
came from folks who managed to charge
their smartphones and other tech equipment. So it turns out there is an APP
(alternate power port) for that; people
wisely use cars, transformers, 12-volt car
battery jumpers with outlets, and even
hand-crank flashlights that can charge
phones ( to stay
John Weaver, LCSW, is a Disaster Mental
Health and PA volunteer for the American
Red Cross. [email protected].
Valerie Cole is a Senior Associate, Disaster
Mental Health, American Red Cross. Valerie.
[email protected]
Gloria Huang is Senior Social Engagement
Specialist, American Red Cross.
[email protected]
Disaster Distress Helpline Available 24/7/365
The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing yearround disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7
via telephone (1-800-985-5990) and SMS (text “TalkWithUs” to 66746).
The DDH began October 1, 2011.
After a five-month t ?[??][???\??X?\????HH??Y\??[?[\??\??[[?KH?\??X?H?Y?[?Z?[???[?[?^??]]??\??[??]??????\?\??[?[?\????X??X\?H??L???B???\?X[??\??\??T??\?\?X???H\?\?\?\??\??[[?H[??\??Y\?[??\?][??[?\?[??X[??][???RKS?P?H?]????X[???\?\??Y[B??[\?H]HX??]H[[?K??B????\??\??H[??]?YY??\?]Y?\???H\?\?\?\??\??[[?H?\??\?[?H[?]?YX[??[Z[H^\?Y[??[??[[?[?[\??\???Y??K\?[???Y?\?[?H?]\?[??[X[?X?]\?Y\?\?\?[?HK???\??]?Y\??[\?\??\?\?\?\??\??X^H[??YB?[\?\?H?XX?[???H\?\?\?