CH Encores Rerun of Roirdan, the Florida Beagle who won in the “not exceeding 13inch Beagle” category. Jillyn followed as many Florida dogs as possible for this story. On the first day of qualifications she zeroed in on a Florida Beagle who won in the ‘not exceeding 13-inch beagle’ category (shown above). Day two saw her watching Spinoni Italiani and Vizslas from Florida. But, she could hardly wait to see the Rottweilers compete. “I have ben following handler Perry Payson and box seats, Jillyn had a much better view than she would have had a press level. The Garden was full of cheering spectators, special guests, owners and judges dressed in tuxes and gowns. “There was a short intermission after the Hound, Working and Terrier Groups finished). GCH Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, a German Wirehaired Pointer took the win in the Hound Group. The Portuguese Water Dog, GCH Claircreek Impression De Matisse took the win in the Working Group. In the Terrier Group, the win went to Fox Terrier (Smooth) GCH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek,” said Jillyn. “The lights dimmed in the arena for the crowning event, and the crowd began to roar as each of the seven best of their Groups entered Madison Square Garden. Judge Michael J. Dougherty of California walked slowly between each of the seven spectacular dogs, studying and watching as each took a turn around the ring in the spotlights,” Jillyn said. 2721 dogs from 187 breeds participated in this year’s Westminster Kennel Meet Neiko. He’s a Groovy Dog. Photograph by Jillyn Sidlo Neiko is an 11-year-old German Shepherd who is still very young at heart thanks to a healthy diet and keeping very active both mentally and physically. Neiko’s Favorites: FOOD: The Honest Kitchen mixed with Primal Grinds (ground up chicken, turkey or beef plus some raw chicken necks or backs). TREATS: Bullysticks and Beef Marrow Bones TOYS: XL West Paw Wool Bone Any Oo-Ma-Loo Toy ACTIVITY: Playing fetch with mom. Pilot, a Rottweiler with handler Perry Payson, took Best Of Breed. To view spectacular photos of all the Westminster Best Of Breed Winners, visit and click onto Westminster/New York Times. Pilot for four years. Last year, Pilot took Best Of Breed (BOB) at Westminster. This year, he came in number one in the nation as a platinum Grand Champion. BIS BISS GCH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin Gladiator, better known as Pilot,” said Jillyn. On the last night, with spectacular Club Dog Show. But, only a handful would leave with a ribbon. All in all, Florida dogs made a good showing, but in the end, Y??[?[???\????[?[?H??H???\?[?\?[?????? ? L?[?H?]?8?&?\?\??H?\?[?????&H?\?]?\?Y??Y?X????&\?X?\?H\??X? [??[??\??Y\?????T?P?U??UTUQB???? H?[?X?]Y?]?K?[\B????????P?]??????B??????\??????????T]?????H????\???]\????X?]??????[??? ? L?H?U??T??T? ?B?? L???K?L????