THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 404

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– Lucifer , the carrier of Uncreated Light , the Devil ? --Rudolph Hess was outraged-- . That is the blasphemous slander that Jehovah Satan has bestowed upon him through his disciples , the Jews and some Christian jerks and unenlightened Muslims . Lucifer is Kristos . The Kristos of Atlantis ... Rudolf Hess took a deep breath before continuing . --Let' s put those Mysteries aside for now and talk about you , Kurt , --Rudolph said , changing the subject-- . You have successfully completed a tough stage of studies and another cycle of efforts opens for you . It is our will – he looked at Dad who nodded again-- that you enter the Waffen SS , for your military and political perfectioning . But that is , let ' s say , an exoteric training , that is external , at least until you reach the Restricted Circle of Wewelsburg 24 . There is another parallel route that you must take and that also involves effort and sacrifice . It is an occult , esoteric path that will allow you to improve yourself spiritually and solve your most secret doubts . Have you heard about the Thulegesellschaft ? 25
I thought for a moment , more out of compromise than anything else , because I was certain that
I had never heard that name before . – No – I replied . – It is a secret group of Wise men , --Rudolph Hess said in a respectful tone-- . I will facilitate your entry into the Order and they will help you progress , but you must understand the following from the beginning : The Hyperborean Orders like the Thulegesellschaft follow a circular arrangement . In the mundane organizations of the kind of the Freemasonry --or if you want to simplify : as any administrative bureaucracy-- you advance vertically , step by step , from the base of a triangle to the vertex , which is occupied by the maximum Hierarchy . In a Hyperborean Order , on the other hand , one advances by overcoming concentric circles . You , for example , when entering the Order are a wide circle , perhaps the outer circle . I am not saying that you are part of a circle or that you occupy a place in a circle , but " you are a circle ". Like you , there are others members that are circles of greater or lesser diameter , organized concentrically around a center of Power occupied by the highest level of Wisdom . That is why I say that progress is made " overcoming circles " and not " going through circles ” of different levels , since Hyperborean Wisdom consists in narrowing the own circle towards the center ; in " narrowing the circle " as far as it allows our capability . Do you understand patekind ?
– I think so --I said without much conviction-- . But all this that you gently explain to me , brings me relief and tranquility . Rest assured that I ' ll do my best not to disappoint your trust or Dad ' s faith .
– Well , then there is nothing more to talk about . Do you remember Papp , the SS official that you met in Berchtesgaden ? Now he is SS Oberführer 26 . To him you will address when you return from Egypt to know the steps to follow .
Rudolph Hess pressed a button , and the response was the hasty arrival of a custody officer . He ordered the latter to arrange to bring champagne to the important office . He didn ' t drink but this was different , he said , because we were to toast for my graduation and the future of Germany . Then he struck up a frank chat with Dad , recalling common anecdotes from their days as students and from Egypt .
Thus ended the student stage in my life , Neffe Arturo . When returning from Egypt things took a different turn and , while complying with the different stages of training in the Waffen SS to arrive in 1939 at the castle of Wewelsburg , I also passed through different circles of the Thulegesellschaft . As the events that will really surprise you , as they connect with your own experience , occur immediately , from 1937 , I will try to summarize them with some detail . Only in 1939 , upon returning from a terrible , infernal mission , for that was Operation Altwesten , I received the instruction that partly allowed me to understand everything . The following years , especially after 1941 , I spent fulfilling missions in Asia , missions similar to the one I had carried out in Operation Altwesten and analogous , too , to the esoteric mission performed by Rudolph Hess with his historic flight to England in 1941 ; missions of the same strategic characteristic as that fulfilled by Belicena Villca and her son Noyo , that is , missions of tactical distraction to confuse and divert the Enemy ; but missions that require the prior Hyperborean Initiation of its agents for their execution .
But we will leave this part of the story for later . It is 12:30 p . m . and good old Juana must have lunch ready by now .
Wewelsburg : it was an Ordensburg or Castle for the training of the SS , as it will be seen later . 25 Thulegesellschaft : Order of Thule . Esoteric Secret Society , whose affiliation is dealt with elsewhere in the
work .
SS Oberführer : degree of the SS equivalent to that of Colonel .