THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 89

The Mistery of Belicena Villca they knew to locate the Secret Cavern , but they would always fail . In the end , they would request the help of Bera and Birsha , as will be seen later .
It is evident that the insertion of the Golen into the Catholic Church is not reason enough to disqualify it completely . The reason is that the Golen are introduced as a " Secret Society " within the Church and , although their intrigues compromise the whole Church on more than one occasion , their plans are never publicly declared or officially assumed by it . On the contrary , on many other occasions , truly spiritual personalities , authentic Kristians , have shone in its bosom . It is worth considering then , even though such a distinction is not always easy to determine , if there were two Churches overlapping : one , against which the Lords of Tharsis fought , is the Golen Church ; so I will call it elsewhere and its definition will emerge from history ; another is the Church of Kristos , or simply Church , to which belonged the Lords of Tharsis and the Circulus Domini Canis , and to which belong many of those who are for the Spirit and against the Powers of Matter , for Kristos Lux and against Jehovah Satan . One is the Church of the Betrayal to the Spirit of Man and another is the Church of the Liberation of the Spirit of Man , one is the Church of the Demon of the Immortal Soul and another is the Church of the God of the Eternal Spirit .
Sixteenth Day
On the Benedictine Pope Gregory I , the creator of the “ Gregorian chant ”, two things can be added . One is to emphasize that the pressure exerted on San Leandro to influence Reccared and achieve the massive entry of the Golen in Spain , only resulted in the existing monasteries adopting the Regula Monachorum . And the other is to note that his decision , made in combination with Saint Columbanus Golen , to send in 596 the monk Saint Augustine and thirty-nine Benedictines to Great Britain , obeyed the need to temporarily replace the Irish in the evangelizing work . That party had the task of evangelizing the Angles and Saxons who had not long ago conquered the island : according to Saint Columbanus and other Golen , these peoples ( of Very Pure Blood ) manifested a natural predisposition against the Celts and especially against the Irish ; they would only respect other Germans or Romans : they would have to perform the task , for , once evangelized , there would be time for the Golen to infiltrate and seize control of the British Church . In 600 the Bretwalda of Great Britain was King Aethelbert of Kent , whose wife , princess of the Franks and fervent Catholic , favors the conversion by the Romans of Saint Gregory , despite she had with her a Frankish Bishop and some Priests of her people ; the success is great : the King and the people are baptized and in Canterbury a Benedictine monastery is founded with the hierarchy of bishopric ; then Essex follows , London , Rochester , York , etc .
Forty years later the Golen will be penetrating the Anglo-Saxon monasteries from Celtic Scotland , supported by King Oswald of Northumbria . Incorporated as teachers in the Benedictine monasteries , the Golen will find it easier to convince Anglo-Saxons and Christians of the goodness of their intentions . Nevertheless , for many years , the singing voice will be led by non-Irish monks , such as the Greek Theodore of Tarsus and the Italian Adriano . Saint Bede , the Venerable , who died in 735 , takes the Benedictine monastery of Iarrow to its highest degree of splendor : workshops where the most varied trades were taught , religious schools , monastic farms , copying and translation of documents , musical instruction , etc . From the Anglo-Saxon Benedictine monasteries would come an invaluable help for the plans of the Golen in the person of the British missionary monks , who would be much better received than the Irish in the Germanic Kingdoms : Bavaria , Thuringia , Hesse , Franconia , Friesland , Saxony , Denmark , Sweden , Norway , etc ., would see Anglo-Saxon monks pass through their lands . The greatest exponent of this English Benedictine trend was undoubtedly Saint Boniface .