THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 81

The Mistery of Belicena Villca price of treason had been settled , the Jews of Spain would supply the Saracens with all the necessary information , and their personal collaboration , to ensure the success of the invasion . Naturally , the Chosen People hate both Mohammedans and Christians , but their Prophetic strategy prescribes that one must face each other until everyone ends up dominated by it . And then it was the turn to destroy the Christian Kingdoms of Europe . When this news reached King Egica , who belonged to an enemy clan of the high nobility and the clergy , that is , pro-Jewish , he had no alternative but to convene the Council and present the case of High Treason . This time there are four Bishops of the House of Turdes-Valter to defend the cause of Spiritual Christianity and the Hispano-Goth Culture . It is debated arduously and in the end , it is decided to act with the utmost rigor : all the Jews of Spain will be subjected to slavery and their property confiscated in favor of the Visigothic State . It is clear that these measures were not hard but soft because , by not applying the death penalty against traitors , it was only achieved that they won time and continue to conspire . The Arabs would give them back , fifteen years later , all their old possessions and would grant them a prominent place in society , in return for services rendered !
The party of high nobility and high clergy , supported by the Lords of Turdes- Valter , was grouped around the family of the late King Chindasuinth ; the party of the " progressive monarchy " gathered around the family of King Wanda , who died in 680 . Egica , who was a member of Wanda ' s family , arranges the succession to the throne of his son Wittiza , who began to reign in 702 . Meanwhile , in Baetica , Duke Roderic , of the Chindasuinth clan , governs . When Wittiza died in 710 , the Aula Regia of Toledo , where those of the Chindasuinth party achieved a majority , proclaimed Roderic as the new King . Wittiza ' s sons , at the time provincial governors and officials , scorned at what they consider a dispossession , ask the Jews to arrange an interview with General Ben Naser Muza . Meanwhile , they raise the Tarraconense , the Narbonense and Navarra , forcing Roderic to concentrate all his forces in the North to quell the uprising : these campaigns cause the disruption of the supplies to Ceuta , which is quickly crushed by the Arabs . Finally that embassy of traitors leaves for Africa : it is made up of the sons of Wittiza , Olmund , Ardabast and Achila , and the late King ' s brothers , Sisbert and the Bishop of Sevilla , Oppa , who is accompanied by the Chief Rabbi of Sevilla , Isaac . Incredibly , Count Julián , who has put himself in Muza ' s service after surrendering the stronghold , and driven by a personal enmity with Roderic , advises the Arab General to intervene in Spain .
Muza promises to send them help to defeat Roderic . The traitors return and pretend to make a peace agreement with the King , who does not distrust . In 711 the Berber general Tarik transports in four ships an army composed of Arabs and Berbers , and disembarks in Gibraltar . Roderic , who still fights the Basques in the North , must cross the country to cut Tarik off , who is on his way to Sevilla . The battle takes place on the banks of the Guadalete River ; in the ranks of Roderic , the brothers of Wittiza are in command of two columns ; when the encounter takes place the traitors Sisbert and Bishop Oppa go over to the side of Tarik , leaving King Roderic in a compromised position ; and after several days of fighting , the Visigoth army is completely annihilated by Tarik , the fate of the last Visigoth King being unknown . The “ aid " provided by Jews and Arabs to Wittiza supporters would not result in the benefit of these since the following year General Muza , at the head of a more numerous army , would initiate the conquest of Spain ; in a few years the whole peninsula , except for a small region of Asturias , would fall into his power . Spain thus became an Emirate dependent on the Caliph of Damascus .
Although as the Christian Reconquista progressed the Arab rule was retreating , Baetica remained occupied for more than five hundred years . For the House of Tharsis , the Visigoth catastrophe had no further effect than the immediate loss of political power : " the Counts of Turdes-Valter " were again " the Lords of Tharsis ". Otherwise , they kept their properties although they had to pay heavily to the Emir for their status as Christians . The Lords of Tharsis ,