THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 79

The Mistery of Belicena Villca early slavery of Christians and Goim ”. Of course , for legal purposes , the law was regulated targeting specific slaves , and thus ordered that “ every Jew who , after July 1 , 612 , found himself in possession of a Christian slave , half of his property would be confiscated , while the slave would be granted freedom as a Roman citizen ”. As well , a provision from the time of Alaric II was put into effect by the same law , which ordered to execute the Jews who had converted a Christian to their religion , even if they were children from mixed marriages .
With Sisebut already dead , the IV Council of Toledo met in 633 , attended by the Count of Turdes in his role as local Bishop . A wide range of issues are adressed , such as royal succession , sedition cases , rules for ecclesiastical discipline , etc ., and centrally debate with passion about the Jewish problem . King Sisenand who presides over the Council , completely lacking Sisebut ' s strategic feats and Hyperborean Vision , allows that a pro-Jewish faction take the lead and question the measures recently decreed against the Chosen People . It is there that the Count of Turdes-Valter violently confronts Bishop Isidoro de Sevilla , who does not even remotely possess the Pure Blood of Reccared and Sisebut , however being one of the best educated and most intelligent men in Spain : his encyclopedia in twenty volumes " Etymology " is a masterpiece for the time , in addition to numerous other books dedicated to the most varied subjects ; even he wrote a treatise on apologetics with the suggestive title “ De fide catholica against Iudeos ”. Yet Isidoro professed boundless admiration for the history of the Chosen People and he regarded the Old Testament as the theological foundation of Christianity , as he demonstrates in his treatise on exegetics " Allegoriae S . Scripturae " where he comments on the Hebrew books . This posture led to the contradiction of supporting on the one hand the need to combat Judaism and , on the other hand , to seek the defense of the Jews , to prevent " any kind of violence " is exercised on them . In the course of the Council , led by that false " Christian piety ", he tries to reverse the laws of the Visigoth Kings .
Thanks to the intervention of the Count of Turdes-Valter , ten canons on the Jews are approved , but without the rigor of Sisebut ' s law : the Jews , among other things , are forbidden the practice of usury , the holding of public office , mixed marriages , the dissolution of existing mixed marriages is ordered , and the prohibition of keeping Christian slaves is reaffirmed . To assess the importance of the resolutions taken , it is only necessary to note that the Councils of Toledo were National Synods of the Catholic Church : hence the seriousness of one of the canons , which expressly establishes the penalty of excommunication for Bishops and other hierarchies of the Church , as well as the noblemen that were under the general law , in case they did not comply with accuracy and dedication the provisions on the Jews .
In that IV Council of Toledo , the Count of Turdes-Valter threw himself with ardor to defend the cause he called " of the Hispano-Goth Culture ", in a moment when the pro-Jewish faction headed by Bishop Isidore seemed to keep the debate under control . His irruption was decisive : he spoke with such eloquence that he managed to define the majority of the Bishops in favor of taking urgent measures to counteract the " Jewish danger ". Everyone was fascinated , especially the Visigoth nobles , when they heard him assure that " Hispano-Goth Culture was the Oldest on Earth ”, and that now that invaluable heritage " was threatened by a people enemy of the Spirit , a people who secretly worshiped Satan and counted on His Infernal Power to enslave or destroy mankind ”: Satan had given them power over Gold , which they always used to carry out their unspeakable plans , and " with which surely they had bought the vote of the Bishops who defended them ”. This possibility of being in the service of Jewish Gold led more than one pro-Jewish Bishop to shut his mouth and finally allowed the expected measures by the Count of Turdes-Valter , to be approved . However , such victory was not positive for the House of Tharsis because it revealed something that until then had gone unnoticed by everyone : in the attitude of the Count of Turdes-Valter conveyed something more than Catholic zeal , something alive , something that could only come from a Secret Knowledge , from a Hidden Source ; the Count Bishop was too sure