THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 76

The Mistery of Belicena Villca looking , and holds a book in His left hand while gesturing with His right highlighting the right angle between the index finger and thumb .
It is evident why this adoration was given the name of " The White Virgin of the Stone Child ” or “ Our Lady of the Stone Child ”. It is not that clear , instead , the name " Our Lady of the Grotto " since , except for the mention made by the Lords of Tharsis about the place of appearance of the Virgin , the " grotto " did not intervene at all in the Cult . But the point was , that Virgin , whose description I have just made , clearly represented Ama , the Mother of Navutan , whom the white Atlanteans called " The Virgin of K ' Taagar ” because they pretended that She was still in the City of the Liberator Gods . But what does K ' Taagar mean ? its an agglutination of three extremely ancient words : the first is " Hk ", of which only the final " K " is preserved , which was for the white Atlanteans a generic Name of God : with Hk they used to refer to the Unknowable as to the Liberator Gods ; the second is " Ta " or " Taa ", which means City : but not just any City but Hyperborean City , City of white Atlanteans ; and the third is " Gr " or " Gar ", which is equivalent to Krypt , cave , or underground enclosure . K ' Taagar means , then , approximately : " The Underground City of the Liberator Gods ". With the deletion of the " K " and the transposition of the remaining words , other peoples have referred to the same City as Agarta , Agartha , or A ' grta , which means literally " Underground City ". The Virgin of K ' Taagar is also The Virgin of Agartha . But " A ' grta " can also be interpreted as " la Gruta " (“ the Grotto ”): Thus arises the true origin of the ingenious name “ Our Lady of the Grotto ” that the Lords of Tharsis adopted to publicly refer to the Virgin of Agartha .
In conclusion , when the imperial law of 392 was enacted , which repressed the practice of the pagan Cults , the Lords of Tharsis were already Christians , Roman Catholics , and supported in their ecclesiae propriae the Cult of Nuestra Señora de la Gruta , the Virgin of Agartha . It is not that with this change they had renounced to the Cold Fire Cult : in truth , to celebrate that Cult it wasn ' t required any image . It was the figurative need of the Lydians who , by " perfecting the Form of the Cult ”, introduced in the past the Image of Pyrene . But Pyrene was the Cold Fire in the Heart and its simplest representation consisted of the Perennial Lamp : to the Chosen of the Goddess , to those who still believed in Her Promise , the Perennial Lamp should be enough , since the Ritual and the Trial of the Cold Fire must now be performed internally . So all the Ancient Mystery of the Cold Fire was exposed to view in that Basilica of the Villa de Turdes . But , as before , as always , only the Men of Stone understood . Only They knew , when praying in the Chapel , that the Gaze of the Virgin of Agartha , and that of the Stone Child , were nailed on the Flame of the Perennial Lamp ; and that dancing Flame was Pyrene , it was Frya , the Wife of Navutan , expressing the Secret of Death with Her dance .
As soon as the fifth century began , three barbarian peoples launched the assault on Spain : two are Germans , the Suebi and the Vandals , and another , the Alans , Iranian . In the distribution they make , the Alans occupy Lusitania and part of Baetica , including the region of the Villa de Turdes : they arrived in 409 and , in the eight years that they manage to sustain themselves in the region , their presence is reduced to the usufruct for their own benefit of the taxes corresponding to Roman officials and the periodic plundering of some villages . To cope with the invasion , the Roman General Constantius , on behalf of the Emperor Honorius , hires King Valia of the Visigoths through a foedus signed in 416 : by this treaty the Visigoths commit themselves to combat , as the Empire ' s federated , against the barbarian peoples that occupy Spain , receiving land in exchange to settle in the South of Gaul , in the Tarraconense and Narbonnense . The Alans are thus rapidly annihilated , while the Vandals still make forays into Baetica for a few years until they finally leave the peninsula for Africa .
When in 476 the Scirian Odoacer deposed the Roman Emperor Augustulus , putting an end to the Western Roman Empire , it had already been five years since King Euric of the Visigoths occupied Spain . This time , the Visigoths