The Mistery of Belicena Villca where it also came the Creator God , since the Material Universe has evidently been Created in imitation of the True World .
And the Old Testament also tells the story of the " Chosen People ”, by Jehovah Satan , to reign over all the peoples of the Earth . It was not clear , perhaps , the Promise that the Creator made to Abraham “ Raise your eyes and look from the place where you are towards the North and the Noon , towards the East and the West ; because I will give for you and for your posterity for always all the country that you see , and I will make your descendants numerous like the dust of the Earth . If someone can count the dust on Earth , can also count your posterity . Arise , travel the Earth far and wide for I will give it to you and your descendants ” [ Gen . 13.14 ]. Promise that is later reaffirmed “ And taking him out , Jehovah said to him : look at Heaven and count , if you can , the stars . And he added : so will your descendants be ”. But clearer was the Creator with Moses , when he revealed to him the mission of the Chosen People : “ However , if you shall hear my voice and keep my covenant , you shall be my private property among all peoples , because the whole Earth belongs to me . You shall be for me a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation . These are the words of the Lord which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel ”. And then : “ I will conclude the Alliance . I will perform in the sight of all Gentile peoples such wonders as have never been made in all the Earth and any nation , so that all peoples that are round about you Israel , see the work of the Lord ; for it is terrible what I ' m going to do through you . Fulfill , then , what I am going to command you in this day . Be careful not to make any agreements with the inhabitants of the country you are entering , lest they become a bond for you . On the contrary , tear down their altars , break down their wakes , and destroy their poles and sacred stones .” [ Ex . 19.6 ; 34.10 ].
By fulfilling the Covenant , the Chosen People will be Blessed by the Creator , as He tells Moses : “ You shall not make for yourselves idols , nor erect statues or steles , nor shall you put up in your country sacred stones to bow down to them , for I am Jehovah , your God . You shall keep my Sabbaths and respect my sanctuary . Yes you shall walk according to my laws , ... you shall eat your bread to your heart ' s content and you will live safely in your country . I will give peace to the earth and you will sleep without anyone disturbing you . The sword will not pass through your country . You will pursue your enemies and they will fall before you on the edge of the sword . Five of you shall pursue a hundred , and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight , and your enemies will fall before you on the edge of the sword . I will turn to you , I will make you grow and multiply , and I will keep my Alliance with you . I will put my dwell among you and I will not be weary of you . I will walk in among you , I will be your God and you shall be my people . I am Jehovah , your God , who brought you out of the land of Egypt ” [ Lev . 26 ].
That " Chosen People " would be , then , the one which the brown Atlanteans , the enemies of the Blood Pact , announced thousands of years before : it was , at least , ironic that now it was intended to derive , from that cursed people , an emulator of Navutan , the Founder of the Blood Pact . But Jesus was not coming to save the Blood Pact , but precisely to destroy it forever , which shows that it was consistent with his origin from the Chosen People : through Jesus Christ , the Pure Blood would be degraded as never before , the entire humanity would be bastardized , the Courage would curdle in the veins and be replaced by the Fear of the One God ; and when man materialized , and no longer responded to the Fear of the One God , Courage could not emerge as well , since man would have sunk into the moral degradation of cultural decay , it would have become effeminate and softened , would have been confused in a universal Scoundrel of the Spirit : but from that Vile Scoundrel , naturally , both the Church and the other sects founded by the Chosen People and the White Brotherhood , would extract the best of the Earth , that is , those who would support and aid them with ardor , the Priests and the faithful , the members of the Secret Societies that would rule the World and the Scoundrel of the Spirit who would approve their government , worms and snakes , lamb and sheep , doves of peace , no eagles , no condors , Dr . Siegnagel .