THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 70

The Mistery of Belicena Villca inhabits a World located under the roots of the Tree of Terror and practises the trade of key-holder : she must steal the Kâlachakra Key from that Giant , since on it the Traitor Gods have engraved the secret of Death . The Myth of the white Atlanteans is very complex at this point and it is only worth mentioning that Frya , transformed into a Raven , descends into the World of the two-faced Giant and steals the Kâlachakra Key : but , to get it , She had to become an assassin and a prostitute ; Frya , in effect , breaks the Kâlachakra Key with a blow of Her ax , but the bits , when falling , are transformed into seven giants with seven heads each one , who " sleep so that the root Races may live for them "; immediately afterwards , and without alternatives because She is urged by time , Frya dresses with the Veil of Death that those giants have fastened with a noose around each neck : then She wakes them up successively and gives Herself to them as a lover , but inexorably beheading them at the climax of orgasm ; and the heads of the Giants , strung on a rope or sutrâtma , form the necklace of Frya Kâlibur , in which each skull represents a Sacred Alphabet Sign of the White Race . At last the Veil of Death is loose and Frya , again transformed into a raven , swiftly returns to Navutan .
But it is already late : just when She arrives , Navutan exhales the last breath and his eye is closing forever . Frya understands that it will be impossible to reveal to Navutan the secret of Death because He has just died and will not be able to read the Kâlachakra Key . And this is how , without wasting a moment , Frya makes the decision that will save Navutan and the White Race : She becomes a Partridge and penetrates Navutan again . The Kâlachakra Key must be left outside , since only She can exist in the Depths of Himself . Frya must reveal to Navutan the Secret of Death , not only to achieve His resurrection , but also for her Spouse to communicate it to men ; otherwise His immolation would have been in vain . But how to expose Navutan the Secret of Death without the Kâlachakra Key , without showing him that instrument of the spiritual enchainment , for His understanding ? And Frya decides on that instant : like a partridge , she will dance the Secret of Life and Death . She will express , with the dance , the Highest Wisdom that is possible for a mortal man to understand from Outside of Himself .
And Frya , dancing Deep within Himself , reveals to Navutan the Secret coming from Outside of Himself . And Navutan understands , the spell caused by the Fruit of the Tree of Life and Death is cut , and resurrects again as immortal . And coming down from His crucifixion on the Tree , He realizes that His body has transmuted and is now made of Pure Stone ; and that He can understand and express the Language of the Birds . Then Navutan teaches the white Atlanteans the thirteen plus three Vrunes through the Language of the Birds and leads them to understand the Sign of the Origin , “ with which they will obtain the Highest Wisdom , they will be immortal while the Spirit remains chained to the animal man , and conquer Eternity when they win the Battle against the Powers of Matter and be free in the Origin ”.
So far I have summarized , Dr . Siegnagel , the story of Navutan , according to the mythical tale of the white Atlanteans . It is easy to see that it had many points in common with the evangelical story of Jesus Christ : both stories deal with a God made man ; both Gods are born of a Virgin ; they both die for voluntary crucifixion ; both are resurrected ; both leave the will of their Wisdom ; both form disciples to whom they reveal the “ good news ”, that they must communicate to their peers ; both affirm that “ the Kingdom is not from this World "; etc . But it is clear that there are also fundamental differences between both doctrines . Perhaps the most accentuated are the following : Navutan comes to free the Spirit of Man from his prison in the World of the Creator God ; the Spirit is Uncreated , that is , not Created by the Creator God and , therefore , nothing that happens here can essentially sully it , much less affect it ethically ; the Spirit is Innocent and pure in the Eternity of the Origin ; hence Navutan affirms that the Hyperborean Spirit , belonging to a Warrior Race , can only manifest an attitude of essential hostility towards the World of the Creator God , can only rebel against the Material Order , it can only doubt the Reality of the World that constitutes the Great Deception , it can only reject as False or