THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 67

The Mistery of Belicena Villca definitely averted . This , as seen later , was a misjudgment , a further underestimation of the ability of the Golen to carry out their plans .
Regarding the Cold Fire Cult , the Lords of Tharsis had no problems in replacing it as the Romans were remarkably tolerant in religious matters and , furthermore , they too worshiped Fire since remote times . In the Villa de Tharsis they built a lararium dedicated to Vesta , the Roman Goddess of Home Fire : there in front of the statue of the Goddess Vesta-Pyrene , the Perennial Lamp of the Hearth burned , the flamma lar that should never go out . Despite now being a private Cult , the House of Tharsis had not lost its fame as a family of mystics and thaumaturges , and soon their Villa became another place of pilgrimage for the seekers of the Spirit , without naturally reaching the proportions of the Age of Tartessos . The family gave Rome good officials and military , apart from contributing their production of food and minerals , but also provided it with Scryers , Augurs and Vestals .
The Spain of the High Roman Empire
Twelfth Day
Emperor Constantine , with the edict of Milan in 313 , legalizes Christianity and grants it rights equivalent to those of the pagan official Cults . Towards the end of the fourth century , in the year 381 , and by work of the emperor Theodosius I , Christianity is declared the " official state religion " and pagan Cults are forbidden ; in 386 it is ordered , by means of an imperial decree , " the closure of all pagan temples ”; and in 392 , by imperial law , “ the pagan Cult is considered and punished as a crime of lese majeste ", that is , sanctioned with the death penalty . These measures did not affect the Lords of Tharsis since years before they had already adopted Christianity as a family religion . The worship of Jesus Christ came from the country of Canaan , the homeland of the Golen , and such origin was , of course , suspicious from the start ; but there was also the alleged cultural foundation of the drama of Jesus : the prophecies recorded in a set of canonical books of the Hebrews , who claimed to be " the